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Melena had an idea... "OI!! ETHAN!!" Shouted Melena chasing after me... I looked back to see Melena trying to catch her breathe... I started smiling... "What is the hardest thing to catch when you run??" I asked her... "Shit... Your breathe..." She answered while breathing heavily... "Hahaha!! You are a true scholar..." I said... "No shit..." She said smiling. As me and Melena was walking down the street making our way home, she asked where Cyrellia and Aaron were... "They're at practice... Cyrellia is practicing for her softball game while Aaron is practicing his basketball  skills..." As I said that, Melena adds a smile on her face... "Well, I was wondering... You're a pianist right??" "Uhh yea... Why??" I asked with curiosity. "You see, my accompanist left me because she has to travel to do a documentary on the kiwis... And the final contest is in 5 days... And I need another accompanist to enter the contest. And I heard that you were very good at playing the piano..." That moment, I stood there speechless... "Uhh sorry I just can't... I can't play the piano anymore..." I told her... "SHUT UP!! DON'T LIE TO ME!!! Please..." She said that with a serious expression... "No I'm so sorry, I ca-" Melena cutted me... "We came to earth to make music... Without music we all will be dead... Here is a example, our heart beats... Heart beats are a beat in music..." While Melena said that she put her warm hand on my chest... Feeling every single beat from my heart... "I can feel it that you still have music in you..." She said... In my mind i was saying really nigga?! "Aherm... Hate to break it to you but, even a baby ha-" She cutted me off again... "Shhh!!! Don't say a shit... Let's end our conversation with... YOU'RE MY ACCOMPANIST NOW!!!" She screamed with excitement... "Ok I will... But what song are we playing for the contest?!" I asked...

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