The Start Of The Concert

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Melena and Aaron was chatting with each other... Until Cyrellia disturbed... "HEY YOU MELENA!!! Didn't you say that you have a concert to go to??" "Oh yea!! It's starting right now!!" Said Melena... "THEN LET'S GO!!!" shouted Cyrellia... I stood there listening to their conversation... "You should come along aswell Ethan!!" Melena told me... "Nahh... I think I will pass..." I replied... Melena looked down to the floor... As I was going to get away, Melena grab hold onto my hand and said "You're gonna come and watch me perform!!" She told me... "Yes of course!!" Aaron shouted... Melena's hand was warm on my hand, I can feel the wind blowing against me, I can tell that I'm free now...

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