The Results Is...

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We waited for Melena's result to be shown on the board to see who will compete in the grand finals... We waited for about 15 minutes until her results came in... "HORRAY!!!" Shouted Melena!! "I knew it that my sweetheart can do it!!" Said Aaron... Me and Cyrellia just stood there smiling and congratulated her... After school, Cyrellia and Aaron always drops me off home... Well Aaron goes half way... Cyrellia's house is in front of mine, and my mum told Cyrellia's parents to take care of me and cook dinner and desserts for me... Since my mum is dead... Ever Since that happened, Cyrellia keeps coming inside my house like she owns it aswell... I used to stay in my piano room, but since my mum died, I never touched the piano... So the piano room became a storage room... Days passed, Melena's accompanistquit her job and it was only 5 more days till the finals... She needs to find another skilled accompanist, and fast...

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