


Nothing but the sound of my heart beating in an unsteady pace and the small bubbles being released from my mouth. I'm drowning, at least I think so. My head is under water refusing to come back up. The sound made by the water running through my ears is relaxing making me forget about everything. The feeling of not breathing has never felt so good, so peaceful. My eyes and mouth are closed and I'm holding my breath, I wonder if I didn't how would It feel. It's been sometime now and I know by the way my heart rate slows, rarely beating.

I slowly open my eyes and mouth sucking in a huge amount of water. The water stung my eyes as I try to look up at the white ceiling, the water constricting my air pipes, it feels like someone's hand on my neck, slowly strangling the life out of me. My chest tightens and my heart beat is unoticeable. At this point I am choking and swallowing water at the same time as my vision begins to be shrouded by a dark vignette.

This is it...... This is finally the end...

Slowly being consumed by unconsciousness I suddenly feel someone grip my shoulders and pull me up into the light. I start coughing and choking, my chest is burning and constricting allowing a small amount of oxygen to pass through. I feel the person pulling me out the bathtub and wrapping a towel around my cold body. My brain feels like it's about to explode and my eyes are burning, my chest is in so much pain I can barely breath. I close my eyes and my body becomes limp, I can feel the person carrying me, their warmth radiating to my body. My eyes feel heavy and my mind feels like its floating. I rest my head on the persons chest, letting their heat consume me. I listen to their heat beat and and their heavy breathing. I've never felt so close to someone, so embraced and warm in the feeling of someone else's touch, it's so soothing.

I slowly regain my breathing but my chest is still in so much pain. I struggle to open my eyes but when I do I'm met by a set of dark grey eyes. He enters the dimly lit room and walks towards the queensize bed closing the door behind him. His jawline looks sharp going in with his stone cold face but the small crease on his eyebrows tells me he's angry..

My body meets the warm bed, still wrapped in a towel with his large height towering over mine. He stretches his arm to pull the blankets that are underneath me. He climbs on the bed hovering above me trying to pull the blankets. The small light from the lamp is reflecting on his face, the other half lit and the other dark. I lower my eyes to his wet shirt that's sticking on him from my hair. The outlines of his chest are showing. I slowly raise my right hand and touch it tracing the wet outlines of his chest. I notice his body tense and our eyes suddenly meet, he doesn't say anything so I carry on tracing. His body is now over mine his face above mine, looking at my eyes.

I slowly lower my hands down his shirt still looking at those dark twisted eyes and tug the bottom of it. I place my hands under his shirt touching his hot skin that seems to set my hands on fire. I slowly graze my fingers up his torso and watch as his body tenses as I go up. I stop at his chest and move down again but this time I stop lower. I don't know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it but my hands seem to have a mind of their own. My mind seems to be far away and the voices in my head have all gone quiet, it's like they are all waiting on their tip toes in anticipation for what's about to happen, even I'm not sure. Maybe the water did something to my brain or it's the lack of oxygen my brain has.

I need him to take it all away. I need him to take all my fucking pain away and just make it feel right for now. I've never felt so fucking defeated and lost about everything. From Ford, to the whole thing with my mom's family and the contract. I haven't opened it yet, I was too scared and I haven't told Luca about it, I wasn't planning on telling him. Then there's that man in the picture whom I feel like I know somehow.

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