chapter 14

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Aimee Pov


I am standing in front of some boys' house and I am crying for some reason. I look and see some guy that resembles Alex but is in his younger year's maybe he is ten or twelve. It looks like this boy is trying to say something. 

"Aimee please doesn't go I love you," this young boy says with the most pleading eyes that hold love and sorrow in them. The moment he says these words both him and I have burst into tears.

"Alex you know I love you right. There is nothing in this world that can take my love away from you. You are and forever will have my heart. There is nothing I can possibly do to take it back. But you know no matter how much I don't want to go I still have to I have to take care of my family just as much as you do." I said crying even harder by the sight of his face it made my heart hurt with more pain of leaving him.

"Aimee come on we need to go now if we want to start unpacking today." my mom said.

"Coming," I shouted at her. I looked at my Alex "I will always love you. I promise" I grabbed him to me and hugged him. Then gave him a quick peck on the lips before walking toward the car heading to my new house.

"I love you-" before he was able to finish what he was saying the engine of the car turned on blocking him out and we started driving.

The whole time while driving to my new home I was crying my little broken heart out. When we finally got there I was passed out in the back of the car silently crying still.


 I woke up screaming over the dream I just had. 

"What was that all about? Why did it hurt so much? What was going on? Why did it feel so real? Could it have been a memory?" I asked myself while I was crying.

I looked at the clock after I had my little episode from that weird dream, I couldn't remember, it read 5:30 in the morning. 

"Might as well get up now I have to be ready soon," I said to no one in particular.

 I grabbed the clothes that I would be wearing today which were a falling in reverse band tee shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans along with my bra and underwear. I went into my bathroom washed my hair and showered. when I was done with that and completely dried off and dressed I put my flat iron on to heat up while I went into my room to grab my black red studded belt with my black choker and red Gothic styled cross plus some spiked bracelets. I went right back into the bathroom to straighten my hair. The moment I finished I was 6:20. Alex said he would come to pick me up at 6:30. So I decided to make myself a bowl of cereal and eat the real quickly. The moment I came downstairs to go and eat. My doorbell rang. I walked towards the door and opened the door just to be greeted by Alex. 

"Hey, Aimee, are you ready?" he asked me.

"Yeah hold on I need to put my shoes on and grab my phone and bag. Come in and sit if you want." I said to him. 

"Yeah sure talk your time. We have an hour before school anyway," he said right back to me.

"Sure," I said while walking upstairs to my room. I quickly grabbed my stuff and put on my red converse. Then I came right back downstairs to my surprise my mom and brother were in the living room talking to Alex about something.

"You better stay away from her. You're the reason she lost her memory" my brother said to Alex.

"I didn't do anything to her Zach and you know it. She lost her memory from a broken heart. That you guys cause when you had her move away from me. You guys knew that we were dating and that we were in love. We were each other's first love. She may not remember me right now and who I am but I love her and I'm going to win back the only god damn girl for me whether you guys like it or fucking not." Alex said pointing to my mom and brother the whole time.

"You guys were twelve there is no way that you could know the meaning of love. And you know why we moved. It's because she killed her father." my mom yelled at Alex.

"She didn't kill him okay. She was too little to kill anyone and you know it. It was the fact that he loved you too much to have your work will you had a kid to take care off and he didn't want you guys to know about the money issue. All of that was love out of you guys. So if anything it was a stupid decision that killed him no one else. And how dare you think that way of your daughter. The one at an early age started taking care of you and her little sister all because she loved you and didn't want to lose anyone else. Do you even know what she was going through? Well, do you?" Alex was saying to my mom in a calm voice but to the end, he started shouting at my mom.

"I think you should leave Alex." my brother said in a deadly calm voice while my mom was crying.

"Not without Aimee. I won't lose her not again. I am going to keep my promise to protect her." Alex said being a stubborn person.

 "Why?" my brother asked him.

"I fucking love her that way. I have always loved her. And I am going to keep the promise I made all those years ago even if she doesn't remember." Alex shouted getting frustrated. 

The way he said something triggered something in me that made me fall to the ground screaming in pain. 

Alex POV

"Why," her brother said to me.

"I fucking love her that way. I have always loved her. And I am going to keep the promise I made all those years ago even if she doesn't remember." I shouted getting frustrated. 

The next Thing I know I hear Aimee scream and I run toward her. When I got toward her she was on the floor unconscious.

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