chapter 4

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Aimee's POV  

The ambulance immediately started, causing me to panic. The moment I saw it, I immediately started thinking of Laura. I started running fast as hell and crying. If anything happened to her, I do not know what I would fucking do. It is all I could think about lately. Laura and I were so close; we were to the point where she thought I was her mom instead of her sister.  

Alex saw that I was running and immediately started chasing me. He caught up with me in about a minute grabbed me and started hugging me.  

He said, "Aimee, everything is going to be okay. So can you please stop crying? Everything will be okay, you do not even know if that was your little sister. So we have to check first, and I am not letting you go over there crying. Do you understand me?"  

I stopped crying and said, "Fine, but can we please go now. I need to know if anything happened to her. If something happened I wouldn't know what I would do."  

When we finally got there the teacher there immediately sees me and says, "Aimee, it's been so long and you have gotten so big. Same thing for you Alex. Please tell me you two are dating. Everyone thought that you two would be dating by now, you always looked so cute together. Plus Alex always looked at you a certain way Aimee. Looks like he still does, so I am guessing he still likes you if he did. I do not know anything about his feelings for you if there are any. Anyways why are you two here? Anything happens?"  

Alex immediately gave her these wide eyes, as if a secret was just spilled out or something, and he was completely shocked at what she said, and to be honest, so was I.  

"Well to answer your questions in order, no, we are not dating, why would be? No offense Alex, but I just met you again today, and I have no memory of my past, or of you, so yeah, sorry. Um thanks, I guess, for think, we look cute together. I have no clue what you mean when you said he likes me. I do not think he does. Alex, if you do I do not know any reason for you to like me. I am nothing special, I am a complete waste of space to this earth, and I should die. Finally, we are here because I am here to pick up my little sister. Her name is Laura. Nothing happened to her, right?"   I said with mixed emotions but with wide eyes.  


Ms. Chan, our old teacher, sees us and has wide eyes. Aimee seems to be really confused.  

As soon as she sees us she says, "Aimee, it's been so long and you have gotten so big. Same thing for you Alex. Please tell me you two are dating. Everyone thought that you two would be dating by now, you always looked so cute together. Plus Alex always looked at you a certain way Aimee. Looks like he still does, so I am guessing he still likes you if he did. I do not know anything about his feelings for you if there are any. Anyways why are you two here? Anything happens?"

HOLY CRAP! How in the world could she say that? Aimee does not even know that I like her. All I could think is that I hope she is not disgusted or anything. I had these wide, shocked eyes, and so did Aimee.  

However, she snapped out of it and said "Well to answer your questions in order, no, we are not dating, why would be? No offense Alex, but I just met you again today, and I have no memory of my past, or of you, so yeah, sorry. Um thanks, I guess, for think, we look cute together. I have no clue what you mean when you said he likes me. I do not think he does. Alex, if you do I do not know any reason for you to like me. I am nothing special, I am a complete waste of space to this earth, and I should die. Finally, we are here because I am here to pick up my little sister. Her name is Laura. Nothing happened to her, right?"  

As soon as she said that, I wanted to run away and cry because she does not know that the things she is saying are complete utter crap about herself.  

I am about to say something when the teacher says "Okay, well, Aimee that is your decision, but it is his if he has feelings for you, and if he does I hope you change your mind about that. And wait did you say, Laura? If so, then she is the one the ambulance is here for. She was hit in the head a few times today, the last time she was hit hard and she is now unconscious because of it and is now going to the hospital. The doctors say she is going to be okay. They said that it is only mild and she should wake up in a couple of hours. So please don't do anything stupid."  


Okay, well, Aimee that is your decision, but it is his if he has feelings for you, and if he does I hope you change your mind about that. And wait did you say, Laura? If so, then she is the one the ambulance is here for. She was hit in the head a few times today, the last time she was hit hard and she is now unconscious because of it and is now going to the hospital. The doctors say she is going to be okay. They said that it is only mild and she should wake up in a couple of hours. So please don't do anything stupid." is all that the weird teacher said.  

My reaction was to fall to the ground and cry.  

Alex immediately saw this and said "Aimee, everything is going to be okay. Don't worry; they said she'll awake in a few hours."

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