chapter 6

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~Present time~ 

"Excuse me, young lady, you can't follow them. You have to wait in the waiting area until it is okay for you to go see your, daughter?" 

"No, she isn't my daughter, she's my little sister, and I need to go." 

"Well young lady, you and your brother, or boyfriend, whoever he is, have to wait until the doctors come and tell you that it's okay to see her." 

"Fine, I'll wait," I replied stubbornly. 

When I got to where Alex was, I sighed. 

"Come on Aimee, it can't be that bad, I just hope you don't do something stupid, like cutting." 

"Yeah, well, what if I told you I do cut?" 

"I swear Aimee, if you do cut, I will be extremely pissed at you, but also tremendously worried. And I would make you promise me that you would try not to cut anymore," he said so loudly that he was almost yelling at me 

"Oh, Okay. But why would you be worried?" 

"Well Aimee, because I care about you, and I don't think it's a good thing to cause pain to yourself just because you're depressed. Also, I have a question for you." 

"Yeah, what is it?" 

"Do you really cut? Also, when we were in the daycare, why did you say that?" 

"Well not anymore, I used to but my friend, also named Alex, helped me through it and helped me to stop; he was afraid that I was becoming suicidal because I was always cutting; mostly because of my life, my mom, and my ex-boyfriend James, he used to abuse and rape me."  

When I said that, Alex looked like he was about to punch a wall, and there were shock and worry in his eyes, but mainly anger and, something else I couldn't quite place. Before I can recognize what it was, it quickly disappeared. 

"Alex, don't get mad or anything, please. And the answer to the other question is, what are you talking about what I said?" I told him, confusion clear in my voice. 

"Well Aimee, quite frankly, I'm mad, but I won't ask you any questions about it, considering the fact that it made you cut, and I don't want you to have to relive that just to explain everything to me, you might start cutting again; which is something I honestly don't want you doing. Please, Aimee; just promise me that instead of cutting, you'll just come to talk to me instead?" 

"Maybe, but I'm not promising; I will try though, okay? No promises and no guarantees. But no, seriously, what did I say at the daycare? I'm still confused about that." 

"You said before they told you about Laura, and I quote you, 'Well, to answer your questions in order, no, we are not dating, why would be? No offense Alex, but I just met you again today, and I have no memory of my past, or of you, so yeah, sorry. Um thanks, I guess, for thinking, we look cute together. I have no clue what you mean when you said he likes me. I don't think he does. Alex, if you do, I don't know any reason for you to like me. I am nothing special, I'm a complete waste of space to this earth, and I should die. And finally, we're here because I'm here to pick up my little sister. Her name is Laura. Please tell me nothing happened to her? Please?' I want to know why you feel that way about yourself. " 

"Well to be completely honest, with everything that happened to me when my family moved, was basically hell. My mom started abusing me, and I was constantly being raped. I was being told things like I'm fat, ugly, unworthy, et cetera. So, I guess I started believing everything I was being told, and now I truly believe that I'm everything they called me; even though I was only being told those things for maybe 3 or 4 years." 

"Aimee they're wrong!!!!!!!!! I hope that someone lucky enough will be able to treat you right and make you stop believing that bull shit they told you." 


"Aimee, listen to me. They. Are. Fucking. Wrong. As in they lied to you; you're not fat, you're really skinny. You're not ugly, if you paid close attention during the day, you were being checked out by a lot of guys, and all those guys gave me daggers just because I was showing you around, and the fact that almost all our classes you sit right next to me and I'm your partner. Plus, the un-lovable un-worthy crap, someone will beg to differ when you get a boyfriend that treats you right, and you are truly in love. Okay?" 

"Well, I'm also kind of starting to believe what our old teacher said, about you liking me. Thank you though, for making me feel slightly better." 

I gave him a kiss on the cheek; I swear for a quick second, he was flushed. So I was going to give him another kiss on the cheek, but then he quickly turned his head toward the direction of a doctor or a nurse. But before I saw them, I actually kissed him, and instead of pulling away, I gave him a sweet, tender kiss; he was shocked for a while and so was I. But after a few seconds, I quickly pulled away from him. 

I saw that his face was as red as a tomato, and mine felt really hot. 

"Sorry Alex, I was aiming for your cheek, but you turned your head, and I, yeah, well," I said, still extremely flushed.

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