An explosion part 2

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The cot that held him had obviously held other men and I was so shocked I couldn't even move. No words came out I wanted to scream but when I tried nothing came out.

Tears flooded my eyes as I saw him carried away on the cot and then suddenly like a flash a lightning I had all the energy in the world and broke past the barrier of people.

"Andrey!!!!!! You can't take him away! No stop where are you going!" I ran frantically to the cots side and was thankful to see he was still somewhat conscious.

"Annika go home. Go home now everything's alright I promise. Hush,hush go home." He touched my cheek and I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming at him.

His legs were bloody and beyond recognition and his face was burned and twisted in pain and those eyes....Those calm grey eyes that had always made me feel safe when I was scared or offered comfort in a time of grieving were now filled with pain and fear.

I took a step back and went over the the officer in back of me. "Where are they taking my husband? Hes that man right over there." I was surprised at how calm my voice had come out.

"Most likely to the hospital Miss. If you ask the driver I am sure he will take you where ever your husband is going." He smiled at me speaking as if he was talking to a young frightened child.

I didn't say anything just walked to the car before it drove away.

"Sir if you don't mind may I accompany you to the hospital? My husband is the man you are taking."

"Of course get in and close the door behind you."

I got in rearranging my skirts so they wouldn't get caught in the door and forced myself not to look in the back but instead on the road in front of me.

The drive seemed like forever even if it was only 5 miles. With every minute my fear grew stronger. I thought of Aleksei with Bridget. Surely he was afraid and Natya would be wanting a story told to her by now. Alisa would be home from school in an hour and I hadn't even left a note for her.

I focused on thinking of the children so my mind wouldn't wander back to Andrey in the back of the car.

Then finally we stopped. I don't know who came and took Andrey into the hospital but before I knew it  a nurse was by my side taking my hand and leading me into the hospital.

She was a tall thin woman of maybe 25 or so with short brown hair underneath a white nurses cap. Her white apron was spotless and I wondered how many times a day she had to change it.

"Miss? Miss did you hear me? I asked what your name is?"

My mind was brought back to the real world and I answered in a voice that didn't sound at all like mine.

"Annika Antonova. My husband was just brought in....I drove here with them.....where is he?" I felt like a mental patient just admitted into an asylum.

"What was your husbands name dear?"

"Andrey." I looked around thinking I would see him in the crowd of people but the nurse just took my arm and sat be down in a vacant chair.

"Yes that must be the young man just brought in. He was put in room 18 but he can't take visitors now. Let me check you over now dear. You've had an enormous shock. Here drink this."

I didn't know what she gave me but it was warm and smelled incredibly sweet and tasted like honey calming down my nerves.

"There we go good girl."

Then she left me still clutching my cup of warm sweet drink and rocking back and forth like a crazy person.

I felt crazy at that moment. My mind couldn't focus on one thought alone it went back and forth first on Andrey and the pain he must be feeling and then our infant son. What would happen if he had no father?

Then on Alena. Must I loose both my daughter and husband in such a small time? Then I was transported into a dream like world. Had I fallen asleep? Had I lost my mind entire mind?

Everyone around me looked normal but in a dream like haze. Then before I knew it I was fast asleep.

"Mary do you really think it was wise to sedate her?"

"Her heart rate was faster then any I've ever done doctor. I feared if I didn't calm her down she herself would be in a hospital room!"

I opened my eyes slightly feeling a little dizzy but at least now the haziness was gone. I was laid across two hospital room chairs with my coat laid across me like a blanket.

I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position and looked back and forth from the fighting doctor and nurse.

"What if you had given her too much?"

"She didn't. She actually helped me calm down quite a bit and get a better grip on reality."

I stood up now feeling a lot stronger then I had been feeling and faced the doctor.

"Ah Mrs. Antonov you are awake. Wonderful. If you come this way I need you to sign some papers for your husband and then you can see him as soon as he is out of surgery."

I followed the doctor to a small white desk and tried to wrap my mind around what he just said.

"Surgery? Why did my husband need surgery?" I asked before I signed the bright white papers in front of me.

I knew it could only be for one reason. To save his legs.

Hey everyone!!! I had kinda a hard time with this chapter so I hope you liked it :) I was thinking even though in the last book it was Annika just speaking doing a POV with Andrey? Please let me know if its a good idea!!

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