A reason to dance part 2

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Alisa looked at me her face all lit up. "Well then what are you waiting for?" She giggled and her feet immediately started moving. It didn't even take me a minute she realize she was dancing the piece we had been working on before we left Russia.

It was a small piece from The Nutcracker but even with being away from ballet for so long she danced perfectly.

"Bravo!" I called when she finished. Her cheeks turned a delicate pink and her eyes lowered to the floor.

"Thank you. You next!" She said her head snapping up.

I agreed and got into position. Without even thinking I transformed into the sugarplum fairy. No longer wearing a worn out dress but a beautiful sparkling tutu that was fit for royalty. My feet danced the steps perfectly without any effort. The music played in my head as if Andrey was playing the piano right here.

I  could see Madame in the distance with a satisfied look on her face as I kept dancing. Then the dance ended and I was transported back to New York.

Alisa clapped widely and jumped up and down excitedly.

"How did you do that?" She asked.

"Well it's like Katya used to say. It's one easy to dance with your feet but a true dancer dances with their heart. That's what I did. I danced with my heart and in turn the dance came out perfect." I kept my pointe shoes on not ready to take them off yet.

"I miss her." Alisa's voice was quiet and this was the first time I had really ever really heard her speak of Katya's death and it felt like I was being stabbed.

"I know honey.I miss her too and I'm sure Natya does as well but she wouldn't want us to cry. Remember how happy Katya always was? She would want us to remember good things about her and keep on living." I had to try hard not to cry.

"I know...but why did she have to die?" We were both sitting on the ground now facing each other.

"I don't know honey." I had thought of it a thousand times. Was her death the push I needed to leave Russia? Did she simply die because of a fire? Not my sister she always did things for a reason but then again who ever planned on dying?

"I'm home!" Andrey's voice pulled me out of my head and back where I was supposed to be.

"Oh good!" I met him at the door and kissed him taking his coat. The normal routine it seemed now.

"Well you look like yourself." He said smiling.

I looked down and remembered I was still in my pointe shoes.

"Thank you I feel more like myself. Alisa and I were just having a heart to heart." I said patting her head.

"Speaking of heart to heart I need to talk to you about something." Andrey pulled a chair up to our small table and sat down.

My heart sunk. Did he loose his job? We had horrible money problems did we loose the house? Was he sick? My mind raced with questions as I sat down.

"Annika I never want you to think that I can't take care of you and the girls. The fact is I never wanted you to have to work. I wanted you to have a nice house and pretty things."

"Andrey I know we are in serious trouble so please before you kill me get to the point." I twisted pieced of my hair something I had the habit of doing when I was stressed. I would regret it later when my hair was horribly tangled.

"Oh all right. There's a dance school in Bridget's neighborhood. I thought maybe it would be a good place for Alisa to go and continue dance. I talked to the owner and she said you could get paid 10 dollars a week and free lessons if you teach there. She knows that you come from Russia and knows Madame's school well. She's very impressed with your work. I only want you to go if that's what you want." He looked at me worried but my heart soared.

I could teach dance and Alisa could continue! 10 dollars was quite a bit of money for us and ballet would once again be in my life. No more looking at the same walls day in and day out with nothing to do.

I had always wanted to teach after my dancing days were over and since there was no chance I could start dance in New York now was the perfect time.

"Oh Andrey! I'm so happy! I can dance again and Alisa can continue her training! Oh this is the best news ever! Why wouldn't I want to go!" I hugged him joy overcoming me then I remembered Natya.

She was too small to dance and this wasn't Madame's ballet. There was no place for a baby.  I knew nobody in New York that could care for Natya. I wouldn't be able to go.

"Oh but what about Natya...I will have to stay here with her." My head dropped and disappointment flooded me.

"That's not true. I thought you would want to go so I talked to Mrs. Collin. You can drop Natya off by her tomorrow at 9 and you can be by the school at 10."

"Oh Andrey I love you so much! A girl couldn't ask for a better husband!" Again I wrapped my arms around him happier then ever. I would get to teach something I loved. Something that had been part of my life since I was born.

Warmth surrounded me and I looked at Andrey happily as he drank his coffee watching Alisa and Natya play quietly on the floor.

He loved me enough to go out and find a way to make me happy. He knew I missed dancing and did what he could to make it a part of my life again. I couldn't wait to start dancing again.

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