Christmas eve

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Christmas eve. The day that excites little children and exhausts adults. Christmas socks get hung and old traditions are made new.

Children behave for St. Nicholas's coming and mothers prepared gifts under the tree.

My mother had been a Catholic and my father Russian Orthodox. She had always refused to convert so we always celebrated Christmas on December 25. I remembered fondly my father setting up the tree hanging little ornaments from the branches.

Even though I had chosen to be Russian Orthodox at the age of 10 I had always celebrated Christmas on the 25th.

"Annika do you think St. Nicholas is going to bring me new ribbons?" Alisa asked as she strung popcorn on a piece of string.

"I don't know darling. It depends on how good you've been this year." I frosted the Christmas cookies I had made earlier.

"Well I think I've been a very good girl this year. St Nicholas is bound to bring me new ribbons!"

I frosted the last cookie and looked around. Colorful pictures that the girls had drawn hung on the bare walls.

We had no Christmas tree this year so we used an old coat rack that we had found in a closet. It was funny how excited the girls got hanging strings of popcorn on it.

A soft knock on the door had Alisa running to open it. "Inga!!!"

Bridget walked into the room smiling as Alisa and Inga ran to the table to string popcorn together.

I wiped my hand on my apron and walked towards the door. "Bridget! How are you? It seems like forever since we've talked. Come sit down I will make some tea."

"Oh thank you! It has been forever. Little Inga missed Alisa so much I thought it would be a nice surprise and look at you! You look like your glowing! Come tell me what's happened with you while we've been living our hectic lives."

I sat down and pushed the last bowl of popcorn towards Alisa. "Oh Bridget! Andrey and I are going to have a baby! I was going to tell you but with everything going on I haven't had time to stop by."

"Oh that's just so wonderful! I understand darling it has been hectic with the holiday and I should be home now but I wanted to visit you for Christmas eve. Oh here I almost forgot! I brought some gifts for all of you. Nothing big just some little things I thought you could use."

Her blue eyes sparkled as she pulled out four gift wrapped in brown paper.

"Oh hold on! Let me go get your gifts!" I was glad I had bought everyone's gifts early. I had meant to give them to Bridget sooner but never had the time. I pulled the two gifts out from under my bed and walked back to the table.

"Merry Christmas! I wasn't sure what your husband would like..."

"Oh don't worry about him! He doesn't like presents much he just likes giving them and here is for you."

I put Alisa,Natya,and Andrey's gifts on the side and opened mine as Bridget opened hers.

I had given her a tin filled with tea. When I opened my present I gasped.

It was a brand new soft yellow dress with white trimming. It looked too delicate to touch.

"Oh's lovely...but I can't accept such an expensive gift." I carefully folded it back up and placed it carefully on the table.

"Annika I bought that for you not expecting anything in return. Really take it the yellow would look lovely with your brown hair. It will be easy for you to take out too as the baby gets bigger."

I smiled and  place my hand on my stomach then got up to hug her.

"Thank you so much Bridget."

"Thank you for this wonderful tea. Oh dear we really must get going now. Christmas eve dinner will be ready soon."  I opened the door for Bridget and handed Inga a gingerbread cookie.

"Merry Christmas!" I called waving from the door way.

"God Jul! Merry Christmas!" Bridget shouted in Norwegian and Inga in English.

"Annika will Andrey be home soon?" Alisa asked still at the table.

"Yes honey he will be....hopefully." Andrey had been at work all day and had promised to be home by dinner but dinner was almost ready and it seemed like he would be home late again. Then the door opened.

"Andrey!' Alisa yelled and ran to the door.

"And!! And!!" Natya ran tripping twice to the front door and wrapped her small arms around Andrey's knees causing him to almost fall.

"Ugh girls! Let me through!" He laughing picking up Natya and carrying her over to me.

"Happy Christmas Eve." He said as he placed one box and two bags on the table smiling.

"Happy Christmas Eve.....what is all this?" I asked gesturing to the table.

"Gifts for Christmas dinner...and something for tonight."

I opened the first box and gasped  as I saw a dozen potatoes,carrots,celery,a small bag of cranberry's,a loaf of bread and 8 shining apples. In the first bag were 4 beautiful oranges.  I went to reach for the second bag but Andrey grabbed it quickly off the table.

"This my dear wife is for tomorrow morning."

"Andrey let me see what's inside." I put my hands on my hips and look at him curiously. Curiosity was a horrible trait of mine.

"No not until tomorrow."

"Andrey now." It was hard to keep a serious face when all I wanted to do was laugh.

"No." He stepped back holding the bag behind his back.

"Please?" I asked pretending to look upset.

"Annika Marinka Antonova don't you start. You will see what's in the bag tomorrow."

I burst out in laughing as he used the same tone he used when one of the girls misbehaved.

"Fine. Where did you get all these things anyway? These oranges are so beautiful..."

"Just like St. Nicholas I have my secrets. " His grey eyes sparkled and he helped Natya hand up her grey stocking and just like a dream Christmas Eve was coming to an end a very prefect end.

Hey there everyone! I hope your enjoying the story so far!!! I apologize for not updating sooner and want to thank you all for continuing to read :)


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