The Christmas dance part 1

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"Alright class today we are going to work on a little dance. We all know that Christmas is right around the corner and I thought it would be nice if both my classes could preform a Christmas dance for their parents."

All the girls in my older class cheered. Hannah stood on her head and even Jane let out a burst of excitement.

"All right then since you all are so excited let's start!" I broke down the steps into parts for them and watched each of them learn the steps.

"May you need to work on your turnout a little more. Sidney pretend your arms are delicate like a summer breeze not heavy like a tree trunk. Katie wonderful jete but try not to bump into June as much. I want all of you to work on the steps we learned tonight and tomorrow if we do well we can learn a few more."

I helped Hannah into her coat and sent the girls to the front entrance where Jemma was going to give some sort of announcement.

All the girls in the school including a few new students stood in straight lines waiting for Jemma.

"Alright everyone I have two announcments to make. Two very exciteing announcments." Jemma stood at the front of the room looking at all the girls.

Hannah fidgeted and Sidney kept playing with her hair. Several of the little girls looked impatient too.

"As you all know Annika and I are giving each of our classes a special Christmas dance to show their parents right here at the school. I thought it would be nice to have it in the big classroom and make it our own little show complete with costumes and everything. Your costumes will fit your theme and you will be asked to sleep overnight at the school the night before the show so we can all get up early and set up along with practice."

Every single girl got excited. The younger girls talked about their dances. The middle girls talked about the adventure of staying overnight and the older girls went on about how pretty they thought their dresses would be.

"Also for the second announcement I have bought a bigger building for our school! It is only two blocks away and will give is not only bigger classrooms it would give us another classroom and I will have enough money left over to buy another piano!"

Another piano would be so wonderful! It was awful hard to dance without any music to follow the steps to. For the Christmas dance Jemma and I would have to share the piano so my class could learn the steps to their music easier.

"Oh Annika!" Jemma stopped me right before I walked out behind the last student.

"Mrs.Fredrick has agreed to help with the costumes for my classes since they are bigger but we have no one to make the costumes for your classes. I was hoping if you knew how you could make them. Your younger girls will be doing the candy cane dance from The Nutcracker and your older girls will be doing the dance of the angels from The Nutcracker as well. I also want to talk to you about Hannah,Brooke,June,and May."

I turned around hoping Hannah hadn't done anything wrong but the other girls were little angels. I couldn't think of a thing they could do that would get them in trouble with Jemma.

"They are the oldest girls in your class you know. June and May have been 12 for three months now and Hannah and Brooke turned 12 last week. I put them through some tests and I want them to see a doctor who used to work for a ballet school in Ireland just to make sure but I think they are ready to go en pointe. I want you to teach them four days a week privatly. They will of course still be taking their normal class. Would you be willing to teach them?"

I had thought I would never get the chance to teach a young girl how to dance pointe ever again! It was so excited for them.

"Of course I will! They are wonderful students and I think will do just wonderfully. As you mentioned I will make the costumes too while I am at home."

"Oh wonderful! I was so afraid I would have to make them all! Here is the material and all the things you will need to make them. You can start training the girls tomorrow after class."

I grabbed the box and nodded

"Yes of course. I will see you tomorrow."  I haden't been feeling well all day but it was worse now and I wanted to get home.

I grabbed Alisa's hand and half walked half ran home.

"Are you okay?" Alisa looked up at me.

"Yes honey I'm just not feeling very well." I didn't want to tell her it felt as if everything I had eaten all day wanted to leave me.

"Alright..." We entered the house and I ushered her inside.

"I will be right in Alisa. I just need somethings. Go up to Mrs. Collin's house. I will be right up."

Without even waiting for her reply I flew around the corner into the empty ally and found a bucket.

I sat there for what seemed forever and after I finally done being sick I chewed a few peppermints I had and walked inside.

Sorry it's so short everyone but I wanted to upload but didn't have enough time to write the rest! I will post the second part as soon as possible!


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