A big surprise

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"Well if you want to go that's fine but do you know your way around enough? This is more then a few streets down Annika. I could get you a cab if you need."

Alisa and Natya were both sleeping on their pallets that served as their beds for now and Andrey and I sat at somewhat of a table in the not so much of a kitchen that we had.

"No we won't need a cab. I am sure I can find my way. It's not like I haven't been anywhere before. Remember when we were kids and I got lost in the woods? Well I found my way out of that how much harder can New York be?" In all truth I did want a cab but wouldn't admit to it.

"Much harder. At least then you had a sheep dog to help you get out of there." He chuckled remembering the 'scandel' that had shocked my father.

Running away in the middle of winter in Russia wasn't a smart idea for a 7 year old girl.

"Well I am grown up now if you remember. Don't worry tomorrow I will find Bridget's home."

"I don't doubt that one bit. Now I have to be off to work again." He got up and grabbed the old woolen coat Mr Collin had given him.

"What? Why this late? You just got hoe a few hours ago!"

"I know but one of the men is too ill to come to work so I offered to work his shift. It was either that or he gets fired Annika. I can't let that happen. Beside's I will be home by midnight. If we don't get this shipment in I won't be able to do my job tomorrow."

"They really should pay you more for how much you've been doing in such a short time!"I laughed and sent him off wondering just how many times he would have to cover for other people.

"Alisa hurry up will you? How many ribbons could you possibly have! I only bought you three." Alisa was searching throughout or tiny house for her favorite yellow ribbon. We were going on 30 minutes of looking now.

"I have to have it Annika! I promised to show Inga! She didn't believe it was as yellow as the sun so I told her I would bring it to her house. I promised!"

Natya was starting to show her displeasure in being wrapped up for the last half hour and my patience was wearing thin. Then I saw a piece of yellow poking out from under a rag doll.

"Alisa you goose! It was under Netty!" I pulled it out and quickly tied it in her hair.

"I should have looked there!" She mumbled as we left.

For the first time in my life I had to admit Andrey was right. Bridget's house was impossible to find! All the buildings looked the same and none of them matched the address she had given me.

"Are we lost?" Alisa asked as we passed the same building for the third time or maybe it wasn't the same it just looked the same...

"No! Here let's ask this man for directions." We stopped at a cart selling breads.

"Hello Miss! Here to buy some bread? All freshly made this morning!"

"No sir we are a bit lost. We were wondering if you could point us to this address?" I handed him the worn piece of paper and prayed we weren't too far away.

"Ahh your looking for Bradfield....it's a nice neighborhood Miss. Take a left at the clothes line there and keep going straight on that street....you will know when you enter Bradfield." He said laughing.

"Thank you!" I grabbed Alisa's hand and hoped Bradfield wasn't a bad area. We did as we were told and continued down the street. It all looked the same until I came to a beautiful house with white fence and a flower garden out front.

Large windows seemed to cover the house and it was painted a lovely green color and seemed like a mansion. It reminded me of Katya's house.

"This can't possibly be right." I whispered but four houses down was the address.

'244 Lay street.'

A maid came out of the the house carrying a bucket of water and disappeared behind the house. Bridget's house was a red brown color and had just as many window's as the other houses. A white fence framed the front yard and a now dead garden in the front. No doubt it would be beautiful as it got warmer.

 "Oh Annika! It's so nice to see you! I feared you wouldn't make it! Come on inside." Bridget called from the door. Her blond hair was pulled in a sleek bun and her blue dress was the latest fashion.

"Yes of course..." I walked inside feeling out of place. I had no clue Bridget was rich or that she had such lovely clothes or that her house was so amazing.

Suddenly in my simple dress and worn out shoes I felt like crying.

"Alisa!" Inga came running from the parlor her small shoes clicking on the floor.

The girls were gone in a minute's time running up the stairs chattering wildly.

"Nellie! Would you get Mrs. Antonov and I some tea and bring it to the parlor please? Come with me I will show you to the parlor."

Entering the parlor was like entering a room that held the sun itself or entering a room full of the brightest light.

The walls were a soft yellow color and a yellow satin sofa and a matching chair were by a blazing marble fireplace. Portraits that looked like they were perhaps of Bridget's family lined the walls and a tiny rocking chair sat next to a sewing machine.

A white cat was curled up by one of the two windows in the room that was framed by the drapes the same color of the walls. Not a speck of dirt or dust was settled anywhere.

"Here you are Miss." A red headed girl with a thick Scottish accent and big hazel eyes came into the room wearing a plain black dress with a spotless white apron and matching cap. Black boots were barely visible under her dress. She set down a silver tea set on the small table near the couch and smiled then left the room.

"Isn't this just a wonderful start? Lars got a job at a flour mill as the mill director when we first got off the ship! We were so lucky. We would have had to live in an apartment with a house as small as this room if we hadn't! I am just so glad you live close to here now we can get together more and the girls can play. How are you doing though?" Her always happy voice floated through the room and it almost hurt.

"Oh...fine..we found a well..charming little house and Andrey has a job at a factory now." I pushed through a small smile. It was all true..except for the charming part.

"Oh why that's just lovely! Perhaps I can visit some time?"

Fear flooded me. That was the last thing I needed was pretty elegant Bridget with her beautiful house seeing my tiny home.

"Sure..sometime." I smiled and did enjoy the rest of my visit. As we walked home I thought about Bridget's house,and maid,and dresses. It was a big surprise for sure. What really hurt is that I was like that at one time.

At one time..back in Russia.

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