16. Getting Married. Umm... What.

Start from the beginning

Wait.. did that flavour even exist?

Oh well. Whatever.

"Will you be my little brother?" Mikey hastily said, giving out tHIS REALLY ADORABLE PUPPY EYES AWW HOW CAN I RESIST-

I coughed few times just to avoid my face from turning as red as Raph's mask.

That eyes are so unfair. How can anyone resist those damned shiny big blue eyes just- dangit.

"Yes Mikey, I will be your little brother." I said, seriously

I mean, eh, why not.

I swear. I saw rainbows and fluffy pink nyan cats coming out from the background as Mikey squealed and practically jumped up and down.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" He screeched, hugging me tightly as he twirled around like a madman.

"What's going on over there?"

"PIZZA!" I screamed and high-tailed my way to the upcoming redhead A.K.A April.

"Wow. Looks like we got another turtle on board, what's your name?" April spoke up as I grabbed two pizzas from the box she carries. And Casey is gaping like a fish behind her.

Ha. I'm living in a World of Goldfish.

I stared at her with a slice of pizza in my mouth and another in my hand. I take another bite and smiled at her.

"My name's Jeff." I said in right before I snatched a box of pizza right from her hands.

I ran away fron her, cackling like the Evil Witch from Dora The Explorer before sitting down beside Mikey. Ignoring April and Casey's gaping face.

"Little brother has brought food." I said.

Mikey nodded.
"Thank you little brother. Big brother appreciates your effort." He said solemnly.

"Little brother noted your gratitude."

And then we dig in.

"Oh hello April. Don't mind the green-scarf-wearing-frying-pan-wielder turtle over there. He's mental." Raph said as he walked in, grabbing a pizza from April as both Mikey and I protested.


"Says the Hothead!" I yelled, sticking out my tongue at Raph's deadpan face.

"You call yourself 'Batman'."

"I am!"

"You broke into someone's apartment."

"Nobody lives in there anymore."

"You said 'No, this is Patrick!' at the Foot."

"It was a rare moment! I need memes! Fite mehh.."

"You chased Tiger Claw all around the Foot HQ."


"You hit Shredder with a frying pan."

At that, everyone paused. Even Mikey with his pizza midway into his wide open mouth.

Oh hey look, Donnie is outside of his cave again. Ha.

"You hit- what!" Donnie asked incredously, looking at me in shock.

I shrugged and pat Stephen on my side.

"Hey. It was either listening to him giving out three-hours evil speech or knocking him out. Your call."

"I don't know guys, but he's pretty chill to me." Casey said, finally snapping off from his trance as he sat down oh-so-casually beside me.

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