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As Luke settled down onto his bed, Kyle averted his gaze to the the white lump in front of him.

"Hey, Vi?" Kyle called across the  to her, "you okay?"

"I-uh, yeah. I'm fine." Her body shifted underneath the white sheets like a little worm.

Kyle rolled around the couch, and then eventually sat down on the floor for a couple more minutes.

"I am really having a hard time digesting all of this. I'm sorry." Viana finally broke the silence.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm not sure what else to say. I really can' It's just, this isn't possible. I have no words. What you are, what everyone here is, it's unbelievable. Do um," she squinted thought underneath the blanket, no one would have known, "do any humans know about you? Besides me of course."

"Oh, I'm sure they do. But not many."

"Are there-i mean, what do you guys do?" she swallowed hard and her forehead creased.

"Let's go somewhere else, okay?" Kyle glanced at Luke who had already fallen asleep.

"But we can't!" Viana's head finally emerged from her hiding, eyes darted to the door and back at Kyle.

"Come one, he'll never know. Besides who is he to say what we can and can't do?"

They rose to their feet, and when Viana winced, Kyle started frowning.

"Right, and new shoes for you. And probably a new outfit."

They turned the doorknob and quietly stepped out into the hallway. As they slowly started venturing down the hallway, Viana would tense up when someone walked by. "So," she whispered, "they're all like that?" She glanced at a woman who had stopped to watch them pass her.

"Shh. Yes, quiet. We have insanely good hearing."

The woman narrowed her eyes at Viana before bowing her head to Kyle. As they got farther ahead, Kyle looked back at the woman before turning to Viana.

"Werewolves are not too happy if they find out humans know about them. We need to be careful," he warned.

"What happens if they find out?"

Kyle looked at her and sighed. "We kill them." The way he said "kill" was too casual, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

"Why would you guys do such a thing?"

"We guard our secrets way too close. It's messed up, I know."

They made it down to the dining area where they had appeared that following night. Kyle nodded to the manager who was talking with the barista. The manager, Carl, as was on his name tag, nodded back at him.

The talking ceased as it had last night.

"Why? Why is everyone like this." Viana wondered aloud. Kyle only walked quicker. He lowered his mouth next to her ear as they exited the Inn. "Being the son of the Alpha, I have some sort of authority. I am the next in line as Alpha of the South Pack."

"Oh, so like royalty. Do I- uh, do I bow?"

"What no please don't. That's weird," he muttered. "You might think it's great and everything, but not really. I have to be on a constant look-out. There are a lot of people who want my head, especially with the attack last night, if they have my father, they will be after me next."

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