Mago glared at the silver-haired queen. "You are not my khaleesi. You are just a whore that can be shared," he growled. Anger flared within Drogo's chest but before he could retort, his wife beat him to it.

"I advise for you to watch your tongue before I rip it out and cut off your manhood," she replied calmly, her head tilted to the side.

Her husband let out a loud laugh, "Do you hear that? That's my dragon spitting her fire with the fierceness of my son inside her. Mago, find something else to mount."

"A khal who listens to a foreign whore is no khal," Mago scoffed.

Drogo growled and stood up, charging forward. Mago brought up his arkah and it touched his Khal's shoulder. Drogo grunted as he pushed his shoulder forward. He would not be stopped by this poor excuse of a man. He noticed his wife take a step towards him and he held his hand out for her to stop.

"I will not have your body burned. I will not give you that honor. The beetles will feed on your eyes. The worms will crawl through your lungs. The rain will fall on your rotting skin until nothing is left of you but bones," Khal Drogo said in his deep voice, anger laced completely through.

"You have to kill me first."

"I already have."

With that, Drogo grabbed his weapons from his belt and charged. The two fought, Drogo dodging every blow that was made his way. He cut Mago's throat, blood spurring out. He reached out and gripped Mago's throat, ripping out his tongue and throwing it onto the pile of body parts close to where he sat. He sat back down, watching at his pregnant wife rush to him.

Natheriya fell to her knees, worry in her expression. "Oh, my sun and stars. You're hurt," she cried.

He placed his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "It's just a scratch," he told her, hiding the pain he felt.

Natheriya scoffed, "Don't make me angrier at you than I already am. You will let me take care of you. I don't care about your pride now stand up and return to our tent." She didn't wait for him to respond before she left, Rakharo and Jorah following her.

Drogo watched his wife with wide eyes, shock and lust in his eyes. Qotho laughed next to him, his other bloodriders joining in. "She really is a dragon. It must be a lot of work to be with her," Haggo commented.

"Imagine how it is in bed with her," Cohollo said, chuckling.

Drogo snapped his head towards him, "Watch it!" He stood and left for the tent he shared with his wife, ignoring the laughter behind him from his bloodriders he considered his friends.


Drogo sat on the edge of the bed with Natheriya next to him, cleaning his wound. She was still angry at him for what he said earlier, but her love for him overruled that emotion. She wrapped his wound with cloth, tying it tight enough so it wouldn't come undone. As she put her healing supplies away, Drogo stood and walked over to her, pulling her back flush against his front. 

He leaned down and placed kisses on her shoulder, "Are you still angry with me, moon of my life?"

His rough voice sent tingles through her body and she sighed softly. Natheriya turned her head, her eyes meeting his. "Yes, I am. I cannot believe you said what you did, especially after knowing...knowing what happened. Drogo, Mago was raping that woman! She was screaming 'no' and he continued! As I said, I know it is normal, but for you to say to me that they are here for your men to violate..." She trailed off, tears falling down her cheeks.

The remorse that he felt, an emotion he never thought he would experience until he met her, increased tenfold. The Khal did something he never thought he would do. He turned her around and fell to his knees, head bowed and leaning on her stomach with his hands on her hips. "I am sorry, moon of my life. Forgive me," he cried.

Natheriya's heart broke at the sight. The sound of his broken voice felt like a dagger to her heart. Seeing her strong warrior and leader crying was something she never wanted to experience. Her anger broke and she placed her hands on his cheeks as she began crying as well, moving his head upwards. "Oh, my sun and stars, I forgive you," she leaned down the best she could with her stomach and placed a watery kiss on his forehead. Her tears fell on his cheeks and mixed with his.


When night fell, a feast was held to celebrate all that they gained from the raid. Natheriya sat on the lap of her husband in front of the fire, eating and laughing. She noticed a group of women tied together, men guarding them.

"Who are they?" She asked Jorah, turning her head to the left to look at him.

"Maegi, Khaleesi," he answered. 

Natheriya hummed and gave a nod. She knew how the Dothraki felt about them. They weren't to be trusted and she agreed completely. She was scared of them herself and she felt eyes on her. The silver-haired khaleesi turned to the direction of the women tied together and noticed one staring at her. She tensed and looked away, a soft whimper coming from her lips. The way the maegi looked at her made her fearful of her and her family.

Drogo looked at her in concern, "What is it?

"The maegi. One is staring at me and I don't like it. I'm scared of them, Drogo," she replied.

His arms tightened around her, "They will not lay a hand or a touch of magic on you and our son. I swear to you." His wife smiled at him and buried her face in his neck, breathing in his scent to calm her down. 

The festivities continued until Natheirya let out a soft yawn, closing her eyes and snuggling against her husband. She fell asleep and when Drogo noticed her breathing slow, he looked at her fondly and stood, holding her in his arms. He entered their tent, laying her gently on the bed and carefully undressing her and redressing her in her shift.

He took the bells and hair rings out of his braid, wiped off his war paint, and laid next to her. He made sure he was careful, trying not to put too much pressure on his wound knowing how his wife would react. Drogo kissed his sleeping wife on her forehead before falling asleep himself.

*UNDER EDITING* The Silver Dragon | Khal DrogoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum