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"Have you watered my plants yet?" Phil asks Willa as she answers the call

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"Have you watered my plants yet?" Phil asks Willa as she answers the call. She rolls her eyes and flips the camera to Phil's plants, still alive.

"I'm better at taking care of your plants." Phil squints and looks in the background, his eyebrows raising.

"Who's leg is in the lounge?" Willa moves the camera to Thomas, who was looking down at his phone. Phil screenshots it and Dan comes over, smiling as Willa walked closer to him.

"Tommy, say hi to the idiots!" He looks up with a smile, both the boys on the phone noticing he wasn't even looking at the camera.

"You were just crying last night about how you missed them, and now you're calling them idiots?" Thomas laughs and Willa turns the camera back to her, sitting next to Thomas. He looks at her with a smile before looking at the screen. "Hello guys."

"We've been gone for three months and we've been replaced." Dan fake frowns as Phil wipes a fake tear, Willa rolling her eyes at the two as Thomas takes a drink with his eyebrows raised. "You aren't invited to our show anymore screw you guys."

"Fine, Phil. Good luck with getting your neighbors to water your plants. They hate you guys." Willa shrugs, Phil rolling his eyes and sighing.

"Nevermind, you two can still come. Don't make too much of a mess, and if you do, clean it. We gotta go. See ya in a few weeks!" Phil waves and hangs up, Willa setting her phone down. Thomas leans his head back and closes his eyes, Willa leaning her head on Thomas' shoulder and closing her eyes as well.

Three hours later, Willa was texting Dylan off of Thomas' phone, while Thomas was still asleep. They shifted so he had his head on her lap, much like when she met Dylan. Dylan was talking about how Thomas was leaving for America soon, and how excited he was to see him again. Willa was talking about how she was thinking of moving into the apartment two down from her best friends.

"Who are you texting?" Thomas groggily asks from Willa's lap, rubbing his eyes like a kid. His features look a lot softer in this light, and Willa wanted to paint him again. His eyes were squinting from the sunlight hitting his eyes, and his nose was scrunched.

"Dylan. How long until filming starts?" Thomas sits up and Willa hands him his phone back, her lap getting colder because he got up.

"Bout a month. Be gone for a while though," He mumbles, obviously tired. Willa nods and looks at the TV, mildly disgusted by the amount of romance shows on. It was nearing Valentine's day, and apparently that's a big thing.

Willa never understood the concept of love and celebrating it only one day a year. Surely there's something better than gross four pound chocolate,and surely if you love someone you would let them know more than one day a year. She didn't like hopeless romantics, and their stupid holiday.

She hated Thomas, if we're going by that theory.

Thomas was a hopeless romantic. He liked the thought of loving someone, and adored the feeling of being with someone he loved. Love was the weakest and the strongest part of him, it made him vulnerable, made him happy. Love ruined him, to the point where he relied on it to fix him. He believes love can fix anything, which it can't. Love makes things worse.

For a person who didn't understand the concept, she was sure she hated it. There were a lot of things humans don't understand, love being the first. Thomas thought he did, but let's be real, he had no idea.

"Hey, are you doing anything for Valentine's day?" Thomas asks her suddenly, making her jump.

"Besides hating it, nothing. Why?"

"Wanna do something? Will and I were gonna get drunk but Will got a date." Willa looks over to see Thomas blushing.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"No," Willa raises her eyebrows and he glances into her eyes before looking at his hands, "yeah."

"Yeah, sure." Thomas smiles and nods, his cheeks slowly going back to their normal shade. They don't say anything for awhile, Thomas glancing at Willa every so often.

"You don't have to go if you don't wanna,"

"No, it's fine, I want to. I just don't know what to talk about now." Willa smiles shyly, Thomas laughing.

"Talk about what you love, it's cute." Thomas leans his head into his hand, Willa biting her lip in thought.

"Well I love the colors red and yellow. Especially together, I love how they compliment each other. Warm colors are so nice to look at, but only with certain things ya know?" Willa starts, looking at Thomas with a huge smile on her face. "Like, you look really good with cool tones, but I look better with warm tones. Isn't that crazy? The whole concept of colors is so much bigger than we can handle."

Thomas smiles and looks at her lovingly, Willa too busy talking to notice. She could go on for days about the things she loves, but she didn't want to bore Thomas and stops halfway through a sentence. She checks the time and frowns, seeing Will texted her telling that Thomas needed to go home.

"It was nice seeing you," Thomas says, hugging her, "I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, of course! See you later." Willa kisses his cheek and waves as he leaves. Willa thought he was going home, but boy was she wrong.

As she fell asleep, Thomas was at the airport, getting ready to leave for America. His phone was dead and nobody had a charger he could use, so he couldn't even let Willa know. She was probably going to find out by update accounts on twitter, not even by him.

While sitting in his seat by the window, he watched the lights of building blink in the dark, the lights only reminding him of Willa's eyes. How they were lit up only two hours ago, and how they were going to be filled with rage at him tomorrow morning.

"She'll be alright man," Will hits his shoulder while walking by, taking his seat in front of him and closing his eyes. Thomas didn't even think of using someone else's phone until it was too late.


I love being dramatic lol

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