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The train screeches to a stop, Willa standing up and sighing

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The train screeches to a stop, Willa standing up and sighing. The train barely had people on it since it was around midnight, which was both a good and bad thing. Good thing because it wouldn't be packed, and a bad thing cause she loved human interaction. She turns her favorite playlist off, smiling as the doors open and she walks out. It was kinda cold, but the bomber jacket she was wearing kept her warm. It was the start of fall, so it was warm for night, but still chilly.

She was in the smaller part of London, where there were smaller streets with less streetlights. After walking up the stairs and onto the actual street, Willa internally groans as she sees a group of boys. They were all looking at their phones and turning around, probably looking for Pokemon. After she walked past the boys, they started whispering louder and soon started to follow her. She didn't notice, however, so she walked the streets happily on her way to her hotel.

The footsteps behind her grew louder and more frequent while she was looking at her phone, one of her headphones in as she hummed along to Børns, only looking up before she crossed the street. She still didn't notice the group of boys following her, but she did notice the tall boy who stopped laughing with his friend and stare behind her. Willa didn't think anything of it, so she waited at the stoplight patiently while the boys behind her talked louder.

They were talking so loud that Thomas could even hear them, and what they said was not very nice at all.  They were talking about her skin tone, then saying rude things on how good her body looked. Thomas frankly was not having any fun with it, and he felt bad as the girl glanced behind her and bit her lip.

"Tommy man, you okay?" Thomas slowly takes his eyes off the girl and back to his friend in front of him, his friend's eyebrows raised more than they usually were. He nods and leans back in his chair, frowning when he sees the boys turn with the girl. They still had some of a walk towards them, so Thomas sat there biting his lip as he tried to find a way to help her.

"Give me a second. And go along with my act, got it?" He stands up as they get closer to them, the girl seeming more and more terrified with every step. His friend nods as he climbs down the steps, smiling at the girl with wide eyes.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever!" Thomas averts his gaze to the group behind her, Willa catching on and hugging him. He wraps his arm around her and flips the boys off behind her, all of them groaning as Will joins the hug.

"Are they gone?" Willa whispers as Will checks, nodding and letting go. Thomas lets go of her and looks back down the street. He was going to let her go, but as he squints harder he realizes the boys were hiding in an alley.

"Come sit with us, they're waiting it out." Willa follows the boys to their seat, smiling at them as she sat down.

"Thank you so much. Anyway, why are you two out at midnight?" Thomas glares at Will, who laughs awkwardly.

"Well, this is my place. I just locked us out and we have to wait until our other friend brings my extra key."

"Why don't you just hide it somewhere? Like under a plant or something?"

"I told you! Will doesn't believe in that crap, says it's too easy to find."  Thomas rolls his eyes at Will, who throws his hands up in defense.

"Anyway, where were you going tonight?" 

"My hotel. I'm visiting a few friends and I just got here." Willa sighs and pulls her coat tighter around her. "I'm Willa."

"Nice to meet you, Willa. I'm Will. That's Thomas."

"You have a beautiful name, Willa."

"Thank you." Willa smiles and looks at her hands, Will rolling his eyes at the smiling Thomas.

"Thomas we literally have the same name her's just has an A at the end and you've never told me I have a nice name."

"Will, you have a beautiful name." Willa laughs, Thomas looking at her and smiling. Will nods, leaning back in his chair and looking at the road.

"What are your friends names?"

"Oh uh, Dan and Phil. They're YouTubers." Will looks back at her with a surprised expression, Thomas just nodding.

"I've heard of them before."

"Are the boys still around? I kinda wanna go sleep in my hotel room." Thomas peers over to see a few of the boys still there, meaning the others were probably still there too.

"Yeah. I'll walk you there if you want though. Since they think we're friends and all."

"Ouch. I thought we were friends, Tom?" Willa pouts as she stands up, grabbing her bag and looking at him.

"Tom? Okay. I'm gonna walk you back there though. Will, Dexter texted me and said he's almost here." Thomas standing up and starts walking down the steps, looking back at Willa.

"It was nice meeting you, Will. I'll see you around." Willa hugs him, turning around and not noticing Will making a phone shape out of his hand. He was trying to tell Thomas to get her number, which, let's face it, he probably will.


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