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Willa sighs as she puts the last of her clothes in her suitcase, biting her lip as she looks at it

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Willa sighs as she puts the last of her clothes in her suitcase, biting her lip as she looks at it. She didn't want to leave her friends, but she had to. They were on to do bigger things that were more important than her feelings. Plus, if she really missed them that much, she could just force them to let her go to a show.

"We'll be back before you know it," Phil says from the doorway, Willa frowning.

"I don't want you to leave," Phil opens his arms and Willa hugs him, Phil rubbing her back.

"You always have your boyfriend! You have him until we get back, then we're stealing you," Phil laughs, making Willa smile and roll her eyes.

"He isn't my boyfriend."

"He will be," Dan comes in, holding a pair of his sweatpants and one of Phil's shirts. Phil lets go of Willa, Dan handing her the clothes.

"Here. I know you'll break into our house just to take them, so might as well give them to you now," Dan laughs, Willa smiling bigger and putting them in her suitcase.

"I'll come by every once in awhile to water the plants, If I don't come by, Thomas will."

"Good, keep my babies safe. For everyone that dies, uh, I'll, uh,"

"He'll expose you. Do you want that video of you singing to go up? For everyone to see?" Dan finishes for Phil, Phil nodding.

"Okay, whatever," Willa laughs, her phone dinging as she zips her suitcase up.

Hey love, when are you coming round ? Will said Dyl and Ki are gonna go over around 6 and dexter is already there . he also told me to tell you if you aren't over by five thirty he won't let you in

Okay!! I'll be round about 5 then!! when are you going?

im already here (please hurry will and dexter are annoying)

sorry sweets, but thats your own fault for going early :)

"Are you listening to us?" Phil raises his eyebrows and Willa looks up from texting Thomas.

"No." Dan sighs and Phil jokingly shakes his head.

"We were saying we got you a ticket for the last show before we head to the US."

"Aw yay! I love you boys," She pulls them into a group hug, Dan groaning at how tight the hug was.

An hour later Willa was standing outside Will's door, knocking loudly. Will opens the door checking his watch, Willa rolling her eyes and stepping inside before he could shut the door on her. "You're late."

Young god ⌲ T. SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now