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After dealing with Dan and Phil pestering her for three days, the day to paint Thomas came

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After dealing with Dan and Phil pestering her for three days, the day to paint Thomas came. Dan and Phil said that she can use the 'gaming room', but it was only so they could make fun of Willa when Thomas was there. They had a thing for making fun of their friend, and she had a thing for Thomas, so it all works out.

Willa was setting up when her phone went off, Thomas texting her and saying he's here with a confused emoji. Thomas probably was at the wrong door, so Willa went down the stairs to the front door. Thomas was standing at their neighbor's door, but he turned around when he heard the door open.

"I'm surprised you got as close as you did." Willa laughs and lets him in. He was smiling a goofy smile, and had a gray shirt on with a small red dot on it.

"Shut up, I'm a smart person," Thomas puts his arm around Willa, Dan leaning over the rail to watch them.

"Obviously." Willa flips Dan off and he laughs, waving hello to Thomas.

After Dan talks to Thomas for a few minutes, they go to the gaming room. There were many acrylic paints on the tables, a seat, and a canvas. Thomas starts getting nervous as he sits down, Willa smiling at him.

"You seem nervous." Willa points out, grabbing the peach paint and putting it in the paint mixing tray. Thomas scratches his head, just then noticing the music playing as he crosses his legs. He moves his hand to the beat without noticing, Willa smiling as Thomas shuffles a bit more.

"Is it that obvious?" He smiles, Willa nodding while mixing white into the peach

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"Is it that obvious?" He smiles, Willa nodding while mixing white into the peach.

"Just sit still and look like the pretty boy you are," Thomas scrunches his nose and gets comfortable.

"What do I do with my hands?" Thomas moves his hands up and wiggles his fingers, laughing.

"What do I do with my hands?" Thomas moves his hands up and wiggles his fingers, laughing

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"Sit still!" Willa laughs, starting on painting the neck. She was nervous, what if Thomas didn't like it? What if he thought she was bad at painting? She suddenly regretted ever telling Thomas about her job, maybe she should have kept her mouth shut.

As she worked, she didn't say anything. Thomas was staring at her as she paints, looking up to see what to do next. Her hair was tied back and she was wearing a black tank top with some random pair of trousers that were probably Dan's.

"So how many days do you have left?"

"Um, little less then a week, then I go back to Bath." Willa says as she is almost done with his face. She made an outline of where his eyes were, making sure to leave it blank.

"That's a shame."

"Yeah, but I'll be back up soon. Don't miss me too much," Willa teases, Thomas rolling his eyes and smiling.

"Can't promise you anything."

After a long time of sitting still, Willa was finally done. Of course she had more work to do, but she snuck a quick picture of the boy because she felt bad. He was obviously uncomfortable with sitting still for a long time, as his leg kept bouncing.

"Do you wanna go do something? I mean, you don't have to, I can just go home. You probably wanna be with the boys, never mind." Thomas rambles, Willa giggling at the flustered boy.

"We were gonna go to the beach, you wanna come? We're not gonna go in the water, just like, hang out there and stuff."

"I don't wanna intrude. We can just hang out a different time," Thomas shakes his head, Willa frowning.

"You sure? You won't be intruding at all,"

"Yeah, it's fine, no worries." Thomas smiles as they walk into the living room, Dan and Phil watching some Anime show. They wave at Thomas without even looking at him, their eyes glued to the tv. Willa rolls her eyes and walks Thomas to the door, smiling and hugging the boy.

"Sorry about them, they didn't mean to be rude, they just love that show."

"It's all good." Thomas laughs, hugging Willa back with a smile. "I'll see you later. Have a good day, Willa."

"You too Tommy. Thank you again, for everything." Thomas nods and leaves, Willa closing the door and running back upstairs. She flops in between the two, rolling her eyes as Dan screams about something on the tv.

They never did end up going to the beach, but instead just watched random shows for the whole day. They even watched Love Actually, which was suddenly weird for Willa. She almost felt bad, watching her friend, but she also felt proud. Sure, she wasn't friends with him when this was filmed, but she was proud. Proud he made it this far.

Dinner rolled around and they ate pizza, their eyes still glued to the tv. After four more hours, they finished the show with tears in their eyes.

"Night boys," Willa yawns, the boys yawning with her and saying goodnight while closing their doors. As Willa plugged her phone in, the screen lit up.

Had fun today, thanks again !!! sweet dreams, love. :)

Willa smiles as she reads the text from Thomas, turning on her side and texting Thomas back.

Thanks for the amazing day, sweet dreams beautiful boy!

This chapter is short, sorry!!! I felt if it was boring so i cut it short. Sorry ://

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