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(Y/N)'S P.O.V

"He likes me? Yeah right.."
Standing in font of the sink and looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror..
I'm too scared to come out of the bathroom right now..
Scared that I might run into him again..
But I have to..
I got out of the bathroom with slow paths still debating if I really have to pass by that sight again or not.. when suddenly someone grabbed me by my wrist and before I knew it that person had me pinned to the wall..
I looked up to meet jay's eyes travelled down to his lips..
My heart started acting up again..
"what do you want?" I said trying to sound uninterested..
Maybe It's because I'm jealous..
"What's wrong?" He said his smile now long gone and replaces with a frown..
I looked up to meet his eyes but quickly looked down at my shoes, suddenly finding them interesting.
"Weren't you with a girl just now?" I asked Lowly for only me and him to hear not taking my eyes off of my shoes..suddenly, his index and thumb pulled my chin upwards making me lock eyes with him..
"Are you jealous?" He said his frown now replaced with a smirk..
My eyes widened  "a-as if" I said trying to pull away from him, but he was holding my chin firmly.
"Really..?" He said his face getting dangerously closer to mine.
"HEYYY-OH SRRY I'LL JUST GO" I pushed jay away which was easier since he was caught off guard.
"what are you doing here..?" I asked nervously looking at my brother.
"Why are you blushing is the question here" he said wiggling his eyebrows
"anyway.. where can I find gray?" My brother asked looking at both jay and me
"Oh let me take you to him.." I said finally finding a way to not stay with Jay any longer..
"ok then bye" my brother said his goodbye to jay "bye" I said as well leaving with my brother..
We reached the room where I worked earlier with Gray, and opened the door..
"Heyy" my brother yelled going inside..
"Hi" Gray said looking up from his phone..
The room was now empty with only gray inside..
"Oh by the way, a friend of mine just invited me to a party. Wanna come? " Gray said looking at both me and my brother expectantly. "well if it's okey for us to be there..then sure?" I said looking at my brother to see if he was okey with it..
"Ok then I'll let her know" Gray said focusing back on his phone
"Oh her?" My brother said teasingly
"It's a little house party, so you can dress in comfortable clothes" Rolling his eyes, gray said ignoring my brother's statement.

(Skip to the party)

"I think we're here?" my brother said looking at the house before us and checking the adress gray sent him..
We got out of the car and made our way to the front door.. Pressing the doorbell and a few seconds later, a very beautiful girl opened the door..
"Hi" She said sending us a warm smile..
" Oh hey you made it!" Gray exclaimed from behind her "yeah" I said nervously..
I've never been to a party before, so I'm not very sure how I'm supposed to act.
The girl grabbed my hand and walked to the kitchen "My name is jessi by the way" She said coming to a halt, and turning around to face me with a smile.
" Oh, nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)" I said smiling back at her.
" I know, Gray told me so much about you " she said with a sweet smile
" Oh, I hope it was all good things" I laughed..
" don't worry it was a- Oh hii!" She was saying but stopped to greet someone..
I turned around to see a guy approaching us..he was so cute "Hey, how are you?" He said looking at jessi, then looked at me and smiled.
"What's your name?" He asked
"(Y/N), and you are?" I said trying to not sound nervous.
" I'm Dean, it's nice to meet you" he said getting close to me.. suddenly, he raised his hand up tucking my hair behind my ear..
"Nice to meet you too" I said moving a little away from him.


"Hey Jay" Gray came inside the living room with (B/N) trailing behind him..
"What are you doing here?" Confused as to how (Y/N)'s brother was invited to jessi's party
"Oh, I invited both him and (Y/N). Jessi said it was fine so.." Gray answered shrugging his shoulders at the end..
"Where is she then?" I asked looking around suddenly excited to see her..
"I don't know..She must be with jessi" Gray said unsure "Ok thanks" I got up and left the room to look for her..

I was about to go to the kitchen, when my eyes suddenly landed on Dean who had his hand up tucking (Y/N)'s hair behind her ear..
(Y/N) then moved away from him.
(Y/N) turned her head my way, her eyes widening when she noticed me looking..
For a second, I thought of going back home and sleeping my feelings off just like I've always done.
But then I decided against it..
I should at least try to make things work so that I wouldn't have any regrets later.

"Hey" I said to everyone while making my way to (Y/N), once I got close to her, I hugged her from the side with my right hand..
Surprised at first she stiffened, but instantly relaxed in my hold..
Smiling at how she didn't move away from me, like she did earlier with Dean..
"Are you dating eachother?" Dean said looking at me..
"Yes we are" I answered glaring at him
"Oh" He said sounding disappointed
"Do you want pizza for dinner?" Jessi asked with an amused look, making both me and Dean roll our eyes at her..

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