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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"heyyy" I heard my brother's voice and I'm not sure what was wrong with me but once I looked at his face, my eyes started to get watery "Oh no dont cry" he ran to me and hugged me, I hugged him back "dont cry I'm back "he said kissing my head and wiping away my tears with his thumbs..I smiled up at him then hugged him once again "so you're working here?"he said nodding his head in the building's direction "well I just got accepted.." I said..then I saw Gray coming our way with the guy from earlier next to him "So he's the reason you ditched me?" Gray said looking at me then at my brother with a pout "Im (B/N). you?" "No I mean why are you with her?" "Um..he's my brother" I said remembering how people would always mistake us for a couple because we don't look alike..
"So he's not your boyfriend?" That guy spoke sounding somehow relieved "I'm her brother. You are?" "Im jay park, i'm happy to meet you." jay park said smiling to my brother then his eyes immediately traveled to mine 'Good God' I smiled back..
"Oh my god a Mustang! is it yours?" Gray asked excitedly looking at my brother's car
"Yess, do you want to drive it?" My brother said excitedly
"I would love to! Now?"

Seeing how they were in their own little world, I subconsciously looked back at Jay park to find him already looking at me again.
"What's your name?" Jay Park said not taking his eyes off of me "(Y/N)?" I said trying my best to look him in the eyes, but looked away two seconds later.."you're the new producer right?" "yes..and you are?"I asked stealing a few glances at him then looking away "Co-owner." He said "really?"I asked looking at him with wide eyes "well aren't you too-" "yeah yeah young sure" he said and we started laughing at how used he was to that comment..
Hearing him laugh, and looking at him, my heart felt like it would explode any minute..
"So where do you want to go to??"He asked looking down at me
"Oh no I'm going with my brother.." I said looking back at my brother who was still talking about cars with Gray.
"I can take you home if you want" Jay park said "that way we'll get to know eachother more, and Gray would get to drive the Mustang" He added with a sheepish smile "umm..Ok I'll let him know" I said and was about to call my brother when Jay park beat me to it.
"Hey (B/N), you can go if you want. (Y/N) will stay here a bit longer"
"Ok then, see you around" Gray and my brother said at the same time
Gray getting on the driver's seat.
"And see you at home" my brother added with a big smile on his face before getting on the passenger seat.

Once the car disappearded Jay park looked at me "do you really just want to go home?" "well if you want we can go somewhere else?" I said not really knowing what I want.
"Well we cou-" He was saying but got interrupted by a girl "Hey babee" I looked around to see a very pretty girl, I felt a little jealous of her for calling him 'babe'..they must be dating or something.
"oh hi?" jay park sounded more like a question so I was a bit confused "Are u busy tonight?"she asked licking her lips.."Yeah very busy" he said and after hearing that, her eyes travelled to mine "With this?" she asked, I think referring to me cause she was looking at me up and down..I glared at her, but didn't say anything knowing how bad I've always been in arguments.. Suddenly I felt hands wrap around me from behind..surprised, I squealed then I turned my head only for my nose to touch Jay park's, his eyes locking with mine, feeling his hot breath on my face "She's my girlfriend." He said making my eyes go wide "what?" I whispered looking back at him, embarassed when I realized that I was breathing on his face this whole time, I turned my head away from his, but his right hand stopped my head from moving, then he smashed his lips into mine..
Shocked by what just happened I stiffened, my heart started to beat so fast and hard against my ribcage.. 'that was my first kiss'..

Jay park pulled away, lets go of me "she's gone" he said looking around relieved, but then looked at me with worry in his eyes "Look I-Im sorry I kissed you..really I-I just-"he said looking down and scratching the back of his neck "No it's okey." I whispered looking down at my shoes, suddenly feeling tears forming in my eyes.
"(Y/N)?" Jay park asked his voice heavily laced with worry..
I couldn't answer knowing that my voice would crack, and I couldn't look up because the tears would roll down my face if I move.
I don't even know why my eyes are tearing up, I mean it's not that I hated it..
Maybe It's because today was so eventfull?

"Hey.." He said softly, his thumb and index holding my chin and firmly pulling my head up, making my tears roll down my face.
Seeing my tears he quickly let go, and apologized again..
"It's okey.." I said not wanting to make things awkward between us..
"No, it's not." He said looking away and added " I should've asked you first."
"I didn't hate it" I said lowly
"What?" He asked getting closer
"I didn't hate it" I said raising my voice for him to hear.." It's just..I was a little overwhelmed." I added.
"Oh." He smile and looked down..
guess he's relieved..

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