20) Everything Finally Ends

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Seraphim was awake by the time Hino, Yui and Saito re-entered the room. She made no attempt to defend herself or make excuses. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she stared at the ground. "I-Is it really going to happen?" She stuttered, sounding a lot more child-like and afraid. "Will I be... arrested?"

Hino thought back to what Zaine had said earlier in the day. "No." He replied. "However, we will need to find a new place for you. Your father and older brother will no longer be able to care for you."

"Huh? Why?" Seraphim asked.

"I'll... explain later." Hino responded. "But, for now... do you admit that this whole plan was to grab the attention of your mother, and attempt to bring her back home?"

Seraphim nodded. "I-I really miss her..." She whispered. "I just want her to come home..."

Poppy pulled Seraphim into a hug, running a hand through the younger girl's hair. "You poor thing." The psychologist whispered. "It's okay. We'll help you locate your mother."

"Y-You will?" Seraphim sniffled.

Poppy turned towards Hino, an eyebrow raised as she expected a response from him. "Of course." The detective nodded, thinking that failing to co-operate in the current situation would be a rather terrible idea. He had yet to see a woman's true wrath and hoped that day would never come.

"Oh, thank you!" Seraphim smiled. "It'd be a better solution than, um, what I tried..."

Poppy and Seraphim giggled, although it was less out of happiness and more to fill the awkward silence. Once the two had finished, Hino moved on to asking questions. "Why did Juno attack you?"

"I don't think he was meaning to hurt me..." Seraphim muttered in response. "As I was falling unconscious, he was saying that if I looked like a victim in the situation, less responsibility would be associated with me."

"So... it was like his own, unique but kind of stupid and messed up way of protecting her." Poppy deduced.

Hino nodded. "Seraphim, if you're feeling a little bit better... could you perhaps undo the building lockdown?"

The girl nodded, hugging Gigabit close to her chest. "Okay." She whispered. "Um... is everybody mad at me? Is Zaine angry?"

"No, nothing like that." Poppy assured her. "We just thought that the employees here might like to be able to assure their safety to their families."

Seraphim nodded and left the room, walking through the black door. After moments of silence, the sounds of several machines and functions powering on buzzed through the room. "Did it." Seraphim announced, re-entering the room. "The elevators work now, and the main entrance is open."

"I can tell that much." Edward murmured. "I can hear everyone's yelling downstairs. Probably fighting over who gets out first."

"Come on, let's go down with them." Hino suggested. "I need to call for police backup, anyways..."


The Prodigies were outside again, all of them celebrating as though it had been years since they had last seen the sun, instead of merely days. Seraphim clung to Poppy's arm, her expression worried as she stared at the police cars that had arrived on the scene. "They're not here for you." Poppy whispered.

"I-I know." Seraphim whispered back. "But they still worry me... Why are they here, anyway? Is it for Mr. Steele?"

"No." Poppy shook her head. "It's, um..."

"What did the detective mean when he said that my father and Zaine wouldn't care for me anymore?" Seraphim continued. "Do they... hate me after what happened?"

"Goodness, no!" Poppy exclaimed. "He meant that in a legal sense. They... won't be here to be your guardians."

Seraphim was obviously about to continue her questions, but there was no need. An officer passed by her, followed by her older brother. "Zaine!" The girl exclaimed. "Where are you going with that man?"

Zaine smiled weakly. "Don't worry about it too much." He replied. "Dad and I... We're going somewhere else, and you won't be able to see us for a long time."

"But... then what'll happen to me?" Seraphim frowned. "You're just going to leave me behind?"

"Of course not." Zaine shook his head. "The detective said that he'd find somewhere for you."

Seraphim's eyes slowly widened, as if she had just come to a horrifying realisation. "Y-You're being arrested?" She muttered. "For something I did?"

"The detective agreed that he would overlook your involvement if this happened instead." Zaine explained. "Sorry."

Seraphim sputtered uselessly as Zaine continued following the officer to the car. She took a step towards the vehicle, but Poppy's tight grip on her hand stopped her. She watched as the car drove away, taking her father and brother with it.

Jeremy approached slowly, his eyes on Seraphim as she trembled. Tears brimmed in her eyes and she made no effort to hold them back. She sobbed, her hands covering her eyes, shaking her head slowly. The boy placed a hand on her shoulder. Seraphim removed her hands to look at him.

Jeremy smiled as he lifted his notebook, showing her a message that he had written earlier. "It's all going to be okay. We'll be here for you." He had written.

"Y-You will...?" Seraphim whispered. Before Jeremy could respond, she wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder. The writer wasn't startled or embarrassed; he continued to smile while he gently patted the girl's shoulder.

"Didn't expect you two to become friends so quickly." Hino commented. "She seems to be comfortable with you. Do you think that you and Brooklyn could get whoever looks after you to agree with taking her in?"

"We'll certainly try!" Brooklyn exclaimed, a large grin on her face. "Anything to keep Jeremy and his girlfriend closer!"

Pink tinged Jeremy's cheeks at his cousin's comment, using his notebook to hide his face. The group giggled at his embarrassment, the seriousness of their situation quickly draining away. The creation of a new world had been prevented, and all of them - Seraphim included - were relieved to know it.




oKAY so a new story called armageddon: psion's legacy is coming after this story so as soon as I get a cover for it then I'll publish it !!!

AceAttorneyFan over and out!

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