12) Gigabit

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The group stared at the drone as it hovered, it's propellers spinning at quick speeds to keep it in the air. "Hello, hello!" It exclaimed, hovering into the room. "Good day to you all!"

"Who are you?" Saito questioned, his eyes narrowing into a glare. "For that matter... what are you?"

"I am Gigabit! I am a Personal Protection Droid, or just PPD for short!" 'Gigabit' replied.

"Who created you?" Edward asked. "Were you created by Seraphim Delarosa? Is this her cheap attempt to spy on us?"

"Nope!" Gigabit denied. "I was not created by Seraphim! I was, however, created by her father to watch over her and be her friend!"

"Really?" Hino gasped. "Is that so? In that case... what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be by Seraphim's side?"

"I can't find her..." Gigabit answered, it's eyes drifting to the ground. "My last memory is being locked inside a closet. I'm really worried about her."

Edward merely glared at the droid. "For all we know, you could be working for Seraphim." He said. "How are we supposed to know if what you're saying is the truth?"

The droid's eyes turned a deep red, circling in place. "Working for Seraphim? What's that supposed to mean? You make that sound like something awful!"

"Hate to be the one to break it to you, but it is something awful." Hino responded. "Can someone else explain this? I get tired of repeating myself."

Brooklyn sighed, stepping forward and turning to Gigabit. "Okay, so... all of us are currently trapped in here. That's because Seraphim has shut down the electricity powering the doorways. We can't break them open, and jumping from a high window would just kill us. The elevators are all out of service, too."

Gigabit remained silent, it's propellers still spinning eagerly, as it waited for Brooklyn to continue. Brooklyn seemed slightly intimidated by the droid's unwavering stare. "Sh-She's doing all of this because she's angry with her father." Brooklyn continued. "We need to find a way to calm her down so she can let us out."

"She also has the assistance of a serviceman." Saito reminded her. "To carry out more physical tasks."

The drone settled itself on a workbench. "I see..." it said. "That's really a lot to take in. But don't get the wrong idea! I don't believe you just yet!"

"Why?" Saito asked, frowning.

"Because Seraphim is a quiet and sweet girl!" Gigabit exclaimed. "I won't let you continue to speak badly of her!"

Gigabit's propellers started again, lifting it into the air as two machine guns slotted out of it's sides. "Get down!!" Hino cried as the droid began to fire in rapid succession, bullets flying every which way in the room. Panicked screams and shouts bounced around the room as the Prodigies dived to the ground and behind furniture.

Light landed behind a couch that was already scarred from the barrage of bullets. Saito was crouched next to him, his sword drawn and clutched tightly to his chest. "Do you have a plan?"  Light asked, his voice barely audible amongst the racket.

"We have to stop it somehow." Saito replied. "The only way we can do that is by destroying it."

Alpha, who had been hiding nearby, gasped as her eyes widened. "No...!" She hissed. "We need to give him a chance!"

"Why should we?" Light questioned. "It's trying to kill us."

"He's just confused." Alpha began. "If we talk to him a little bit more, he might begin to understand what's going on."

"I didn't realize that being a Psychologist of your calibre meant that you could understand the actions of machines." Saito muttered, his red eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"It's common sense." Alpha snapped back. "You can distract Gigabit, just don't hurt him."

"How can we distract it when it's firing endless bullets at us...?!" Light spoke in a hushed tone, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Someone's just going to end up killed!"

Alpha turned away from the duo, her eyes closing as she shuffled into the corner, hunching into a ball. Light turned away from her and back to Saito, his eyes pleading for an answer. Saito risked a glance around the couch.

Hino had hidden himself behind a table, hugging a shivering Evelyn close to him. Brooklyn, Jeremy and Scorpius were huddled together in a separate corner. Yui, Edward and Angela were also hidden together, Angela clinging to her laptop as if her very life depended on it.

Without warning, the bullet barrage stopped. Saito frowned as he stared at Gigabit, no longer firing any bullets, as it hovered silently. Hino caught Saito's eye and shrugged.

The machine guns slotted back into Gigabit's body as it lowered onto a table. "My deepest apologies!" The droid cried. "Seraphim contacted me just now and assured her safety! She also told me to stop trying to kill you!"

Hino hesitated before standing to his full height, although he didn't let go of Evelyn. "Can we really trust you?" he asked.

"Yes, sir!" Gigabit confirmed. "It was a special request from Seraphim herself!"

The group let out a collective sigh and stood up, brushing themselves off, although they were still clearly shaken. "Um... you said your name was Gigabit, right?" Light asked. "You said that you're supposed to be a friend of Seraphim's, but she hasn't involved you in this scheme?"

"That's right!" Gigabit confirmed. "After Mrs. Delarosa left, Seraphim was really sad. But she got worse when Clayton passed away. She stayed in her room all day and barely ate anything. She cried all the time... Mr. Delarosa and Zaine practically never saw her."

"So then you were created?" Alpha guessed.

"That's right!" Gigabit exclaimed. "Mr. Delarosa didn't want to see his daughter be so upset , so he told me to bring some form of comfort into her life!"

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you're armed with machine guns." Yui frowned, crossing her arms. "Was he that paranoid about someone hurting her when she wouldn't even leave her room?"

"Oh, those upgrades weren't made by Mr. Delarosa." Gigabit said. "Seraphim gave them to me. She said that if she was ever in danger, I could eliminate the person trying to hurt her!"

"Well, that's one way, I suppose." Hino sighed. "Still, is everyone okay? No one's injured?"

The group of teenagers all denied being hurt, although they were still rather pale from the events they had witnessed. "Let's have some rest." Hino suggested, noticing their condition. "We can't really do anything in this state, can we?"


gigabit the cute bot has arrived

AceAttorneyFan over and out!

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