5) Creating The Ultimate Dilemma

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Seraphim observed the detective's terrified expression once his little niece had come into view. Evelyn was bound to the chair by a rope, so she couldn't escape no matter how much she squirmed. Seraphim had to admit; she felt a little guilty.

"E-Evelyn...?" Detective Ichikaz choked out. "Why... why are you...?"

"Let's make a deal, Detective." Seraphim began. "We'll make a trade. You hand over Dr. Delarosa, I'll return your niece safely. Does that sound fair?"

"She better be okay...!" Detective Ichikaz growled. "If I learn that you've hurt her-"

"She's fine." Seraphim cut him off. "Even if you refuse my offer, she won't be hurt. Instead, I'll go through with my city desctruction plan."

"But we're IN the city...!" Angela gasped.

"Well then, you'd better make the smart choice and give my father to me." Seraphim smirked, even if the smirk was half faked.

"For you to kill him?! No!!" Detective Ichikaz yelled. Seraphim raised an eyebrow; the detective's personality had shifted quite dramatically ever since his niece was brought into the situation. Not that she blamed him, really. The girl in the chair had only just turned ten, after all. She was too young to be put through something like this.

But Seraphim was determined to get what she wanted, no matter what the cost. She'd accept the later consequences with grace and serenity.

"You know, I could place a time limit on you." Seraphim shrugged. "You know, give you a certain amount of time to make a decision, but I don't really see the point. You're trapped in the building, anyway. So, I'll leave you to talk through it. Goodbye!"

Seraphim cut the connection before Detective Ichikaz could say anything, the monitor going blank. After a few seconds, more monitors lit up, one after the other, showing different parts of the science facility. From what Seraphim could see, the detective was pacing the length of the creations room, obviously panicking.

"Wh-What are you going to do to me...?" Evelyn whispered as she shivered. "I-Is Uncle Hino coming...?"

Seraphim didn't respond. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of shimmering silver scissors, cutting the ropes that bound the girl to the chair. "I'm sorry," Seraphim said, grabbing a cloth from the side. "But I'm going to need you to sleep for a while, okay?"

Evelyn didn't get the chance to respond as the cloth was gently waved under her nose, an odd scent emanating from the material. Whatever it was, it made Evelyn's eyes droop until she was lost into unconsciousness, snoring gently.

Seraphim took the small girl in her arms and left the dimness of the surveillance room. To her left was a black door. Kicking the door open with her heel, Seraphim squinted against the sudden bright light of the next room.

Seraphim had outfitted her living space quite comfortably. With thin lights overhead, her living room had two long, milky white couches facing each other, a chair of a similar colour between them. A glass coffee table sat in the middle of the three sitting accessories. A fridge sat behind the bar, filled with a large amount of food and drink. There were two doors at the back of the long room, both leading to different rooms; one being the bathroom, the other being Seraphim's makeshift bedroom.

Seraphim placed Evelyn on one of the couches, laying the girl's head on a black cushion. She didn't have anything like a blanket to cover the girl up with. Evelyn wouldn't be asleep for that long, anyway. The chloroform that Seraphim had used only lasted for about fifteen minutes.

Seraphim quickly prepared a cup of tea and backtracked into the surveillance room. She gasped as she noticed a man stood next to the endless amount of monitors that illuminated the room.

"You're here quicker than I expected." Seraphim commented. "You wanted to start our deal that quickly, Juno?"

'Juno' signed. He was tall and muscular, having short dark greenish grey hair. His eyes were pink and his skin tanned. He wore a dark-colored jacket with thick fur trimming, a white muscle shirt with black pants and and long black boots. "You know how much I despise your family." Juno muttered.

"Except me, of course." Seraphim smiled. "I'd be a bit worried if that was the case. You agreeing to help me, but planning on betraying me later."

"I'd never betray anyone." Juno snapped. After a few moments of Seraphim's wide, blue eyes blinking at him, he sighed again. "Just tell me what you want doing and I'll do it."

"Oh, we don't have to do anything yet." Seraphim shrugged. "Although, I am curious as to why you want to help me at all. If this ends badly for us, we face quite a few years of prison time. Do you want to risk that?"

"You're supposed to be a genius." Juno growled. "I thought you'd worked this out to the point where we wouldn't fail."

"That's not really how I work, Mr. Steele." Seraphim replied. "As long as there is a purpose, I'll do it, no matter if I win or not."

Juno Steele frowned, his pink eyes narrowing. "Purpose? What's that supposed to mean?"

Seraphim smiled. "Some might call it a twisted view on life, but... every life has a purpose to fulfill. My purpose, for example, would be to follow in my family's footsteps and use my mechanical intuition to become an inventor. Our purposes change depending on who we are. It might be decided as soon as we're born, or other luckier people might get to choose their purpose."

"What are you getting at?" Juno demanded, stepping closer to the girl.

Seraphim paused, sipping her tea before continuing. "What Dr. Delarosa did had no purpose. That is why he must go. He betrayed that person's purpose."

Juno sighed, shaking his head. "You're insane, you know that? This is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be."

The young scientist smirked. "That's what I was hoping for."


seraphim needs to chill

AceAttorneyFan over and out!

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