4) Alder and Zaine Delarosa

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Detective Ichikaz took the seven Prodigies towards the DSRF, short for the Delarosa Science Research Facility. The building was several stories high and the flashing lights that came from within could be seen through the many windows the building possessed.

"Is this safe?" Light questioned.

Detective Ichikaz hesitated before turning to the boy. "You want my honest opinion?"

"That would help."

"Then no, this is probably very dangerous. Seraphim has most likely planted several bombs and landmines around, so watch your step."

Light sighed and squinted against the sudden light as they stepped through the revolving doors and into the main building. Detective Ichikaz wasted no time in approaching the nearest scientist, who appeared to be a woman of relatively young age.

"Excuse me," the detective began. "Would you happen to know where Dr. Alder Delarosa is right now? We need to speak to him. It's rather important."

"Dr. Delarosa is in his lab on the third floor." The scientist replied. "But I'd be careful if I were you. He hates being interrupted from his work."

"Rest assured, our visit shall be quick. Thank you." Detective Ichikaz smiled. The group stepped into the elevator, Jeremy pressing the button for the third floor. It was a bit of a tight fit, what with eight people standing in such an enclosed space. Once the doors opened, the group escaped into the free space that was the third floor.

Two men turned to look at them. The first was young and tall, having jet black hair and green eyes. His eyes were framed by black glasses. He wore black clothes under a white lab coat.

The second man was shorter and much older, having frizzy white hair. Like the other man, he wore glasses and a lab coat, this time over a white shirt and black tie.

The older man returned to his work, although the younger man approached the group. "My name is Zaine Delarosa," he introduced. "May we... um, I help you in some way?"

Before any of the teenagers could speak a word, Detective Ichikaz pushed passed the younger scientist and strolled straight up to his father. "Dr. Delarosa," the detective began loudly. "I was wondering if we could have a chat."

"I'm busy," Dr. Delarosa replied bluntly.

"Yes, I can see that." Detective Ichikaz continued. "However, this is rather important. Important as in 'this could very well save your life' important."

"What are you talking about?" The scientist asked, still refusing to look at the detective and grabbed a wrench from his workbench.

Detective Ichikaz sighed, snatched the tool from the scientist's hand and threw it behind him. The wrench collided with the window, causing a large crack to surface. Dr. Delarosa's eyes widened as the detective loomed over him with a stoic expression on his face.

"I didn't want to use force, you know." Detective Ichikaz muttered. "However, if it's the only way to get you to listen, then I don't see how I have much of a choice."

Dr. Delarosa remained silent, gulping before nodding shakily. "V-Very well. What do you need?"

Detective Ichikaz grinned and clapped his hands together. "I'm glad I could get your cooperation, Doctor! Now then, about that chat... it's about Seraphim."

"Seraphim?" Zaine repeated. "Do you know where she is?"

"I was kind of hoping that's what you would tell me." Detective Ichikaz answered, settling on a nearby couch. "You are her older brother, correct? As her family, you would naturally know her usual locations."

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