2) Meeting Up

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Saito's day began just as he expected it to: normally. He woke up just before the sun rose and prepared himself for the day of training ahead. He looked himself over in the mirror one last time. He had short grey hair. His narrow red eyes were framed with rectangular glasses. He wore a black jacket with a red ring on each sleeve over a white shirt. He wore black trousers and white shoes. He wore his trusty sword on his back.

He stepped out of his room and into the training room. His eyes immediately landed on the white envelope on the ground. Intruiged, he picked it up and opened it only to be greeted by a small scrap of rectangular paper with the following words.

Saito Teruya
Meet in the town square (Ivory Passage) at 11:45am
Come alone

Saito frowned. A mystery meeting in the town immediately made him suspicious. If this really was supposed to be private, then why choose the town square close to midday? It was bound to be busy.

Perhaps having a lot of people around would make it somewhat safer, Saito concluded. Besides, if this person tried anything, it would be effortless for Saito to cut them down. His sheer curiosity was also telling him to follow the letter's instructions. He sighed; he might as well see just what this letter was all about.


When it had turned eleven o'clock, Saito paused his training for the day. It was a lot earlier than usual - he normally stopped at around five in the evening - but the odd invitation he had uncovered earlier that morning had been constantly on his mind. Slinging his sheathed blade over his shoulder, Saito exited his house and descended towards the rest of the city. He could already hear the distant rumbling engines of cars. He hated that sound.

Just as he expected, the town was full of life. He kept his eyes to the ground to avoid meeting any eyes, in case people tried to speak to him. That was one of the downsides of being a Prodigy: the fame meant that interviews and autographs were potentially a threat to one's schedule.

Saito's eyes eventually landed on the sign that read Ivory Passage and turned around that corner. A part of him was relieved that it was an empty street, but that relief swept away when the possibility of a trap pushed it's way into his mind. He saw two shadowy figures up ahead, his hand flying to the hilt of his blade.

Upon further inspection, the first figure was a girl who was about the same age as Saito. She had curly brown hair that was tied into a ponytail. Her eyes were brown. A few freckles adorned her face. Her attire consisted of a dark blue t-shirt and white leggings. On her feet, she wore black sandals. Finally, there were big sunglasses perched on the top of her head.

The second figure was a boy younger than Saito. He had honey blonde hair that spiked slightly. He wore a green vest over a white button up shirt with black trousers and shoes.

The girl turned when she heard Saito's footsteps behind her. Her eyes, first wide with curiosity, now relaxed. "Hi!" She called out. Her bubbly personality caught Saito off guard, making him frown slightly.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice full of skepticism.

"I'm Brooklyn Wyon." The girl, Brooklyn, replied. "What about you? Is it really safe for you to be carrying that sword around?"

"Brooklyn Wyon?" Saito repeated. "You... are an artist, correct?"

Brooklyn nodded. "That I am! This is Jeremy Kato, my cousin." She gestured to the honey blonde boy who stood beside her. He merely waved in greeting, a tiny smile gracing his lips. "So... who are you?" Brooklyn asked.

"My name is Saito Teruya." Saito introduced. He noticed a white envelope in Brooklyn's right hand. "Did you also recieve an odd invitation?"

"Yeah!" Brooklyn nodded. "Both me and Jeremy got one. It was really weird! It kind of scared me, but now that you're here, I don't have anything to worry about! The three of us might as well go together to see what this is all about!"

"Very well." Saito nodded. It would definitely take him a while to get used to such a peppy individual.

"Hmm? The three of you aren't going to leave without me, are you?"

Saito, Jeremy and Brooklyn turned towards the voice. A fourth person, a male, had appeared in the street. He had dark brown hair covering most of his face. His eyes were green. He wore a white shirt with a red tie and black trousers. He wore blue tennis shoes on his feet. An electric yellow jacket rested on his shoulders.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Saito interrogated.

"Hm? You don't know me?" The boy smirked. "That is a shame, isn't it? You may call me Light Marrow!" He bowed dramatically.

Saito recalled hearing that name somewhere before. "You are a fortune teller, if I remember correctly." Saito said.

"Ah, I am not just any fortune teller!" Light exclaimed. "I am the forture teller! No one else in this world can predict the comings of the future greater than I can!"

"Are you also here because of that weird letter?" Brooklyn asked. "The one that tells you to go to Ivory Passage at 11:45am?"

"Why, yes." Light nodded. "That would be my reason for being here. Well, since you three also apparently have the same objective, why don't we all go there together?"

Saito agreed (rather reluctantly) and led the way through the deserted street. Light made several attempts to flirt with Saito, but the attempts went ignored.

The unoccupied street eventually opened up into a circular structure, mostly cast in shadow. On the other side, three more teenagers had arrived. The girl in the lead had pale skin and shoulder length black hair with bowl-cut bangs. Her eyes were a pastel purple colour. She wore white sun dress with purple gladiator flats. A purple headband sat in her hair.

The second girl had long blonde hair with blue eyes. She wore a white jacket and a blue t-shirt underneath with a white skirt and shoes. There was a pin, detailed with a fairground, on her jacket. There was a grey laptop bag slung over her shoulder.

The third individual, a male, had slightly long blonde hair. His eyes were a bright turquoise colour. He wore a red jacket over a white button up shirt with black jeans and brown boots.

"Who are you?" The boy demanded, his hands in his jacket pockets.

"How rude." Light sighed. "Don't you know that it's polite to let the ladies introduce themselves first? Although, I wouldn't mind it if you did the honours."

The girl with the black hair spoke up. "I'm Yui Scarlett! This is Angela Anderson!" She gestured to the blonde haired girl, who waved in greeting. "And this grump is Edward Hanley!" She then gestured towards the blonde haired boy, who looked away in response.

Before anything further could be said, an eighth person stepped out of the shadows. It was a man; a grown man. His skin was lightly tanned. The man had dirty blonde hair under a black fedora. His downcast eyes were blue. He wore a white shirt under a large black trench coat along with back trousers and white shoes.

The seven teenagers turned towards the man, Saito's grip on his sword once again. The fedora the man wore cast an unwelcome shadow over his eyes. "So... you've all finally turned up." He said. "You're late. All of you."

"Tell us who are are." Saito commanded. "Now."

The man paused, tapping his foot once or twice, before looking up at the teenagers with a smile. "Private detective Hino Ichikaz at your services. Listen up, kiddos, because we have to talk."


Things get interesting now

I hope


AceAttorneyFan over and out!

Prodigy: New WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora