Chapter 11

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Prince Casimir was already awake by the time Logain woke up. He was packing for the journey ahead of them. They would be leaving this town to continue on to the castle. Logain wanted to get this over with, but he wasn't ready to leave. If only he could go back to sleep.

When Casimir saw that the other man was awake, he gave him a big grin. "Good morning, sunshine. Are you ready for today?"

Logain groaned. How could someone possibly be this happy in the morning? The warlock was certainly not a morning person. Casimir was drunk last night, so how come he wasn't suffering from it? It was as if the alcohol didn't affect him very much. If the alcohol didn't bother him, then did he remember anything from last night? Logain hoped not . . . Things would be very awkward between them if he did.

Casimir didn't seem like he remembered a thing. He still had the smile on his face and his tone became playful. "Want me to carry you?"

"Ugh, shut up . . ." Logain's face was starting to heat up again. This prince really knew how to make him feel strange inside. To be held in a man's arms would be a dream, but it wasn't the prince that he wanted. Logain let out a sigh before getting out of bed. Things just never worked in his favor.

"While you were sleeping I talked to Aunt Red. We're going in the same direction for a little while, so we'll be traveling with them until we part ways. I hope that you're okay with a little extra company," the prince told him. Logain didn't mind. It was strange to him to hear Casimir call Red his aunt. She wasn't related to his family in any sort of way, but she was really close to the royal family. She was good friends with Casimir's mother, the queen.

He nodded his agreement to having traveling companions. Maybe they would help make things go faster without the prince slowing them down. It would also be nice to catch up with Red. After all, he hadn't had the chance to see her in awhile.

They were about to leave the room, but before they did Casimir had one more thing that he needed to say. He startled the warlock by saying, "By the way, I'm sorry for last night. I wanted to apologize when you woke up, but I didn't want to make things worse. If I were in the right state of mind, I never would have tried to do something like that to you. I hope that this doesn't change things between us. I don't want you to feel like you have to avoid me while we're traveling together."

"You don't have to apologize. It's fine," Logain said.

Was it really fine? Casimir kissed him last night. It might not have been on the mouth, but he still kissed him. Logain didn't think that things would be the same between them even if the prince was only doing it because he was drunk. Logain might have hoped that he wouldn't feel strange around the prince after that, but he didn't get his wish. Prince Casimir made this journey much more difficult and not in a good way.

Prince Casimir didn't believe him, but he didn't press the matter. He really messed things up. He felt stupid for acting that way, but he couldn't completely control himself. The alcohol took over last night. Things were tense between them now.

Without saying a word or looking at each other, they left the room. Casimir somehow needed to make things right again. He couldn't become a good friend otherwise. Maybe he could ask Red about it when he had the chance to speak to her alone on their journey . . .

Red and Darren were already waiting for the two of them at the front of the inn. They were chatting amongst each other until they saw the two men approaching. Red could tell that something wasn't right. Neither of them spoke or looked at the other. Something must have happened when they went to their room last night. She opted to not ask about it. She didn't want to make things worse by questioning them about the awkward silence. She was curious, though.

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