Chapter 1

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He didn't want to go to the castle. Whenever he went there he had to see him. Logain was getting tired of seeing him and feeling this way. The man was married to the princess now, so he shouldn't still have these damn feelings.

If only he could wish them away. Magic couldn't make him stop feeling like this or else he would have used magic a long time ago.

Not like he could use his magic much now. Every time he used a spell he felt weak. It was starting to get worse. This sickness was killing him and his magic was making the process faster. If he dared to use too much of it then he would be dead before he knew it. He knew that his time was coming soon. He could feel his life slipping away with each passing day. It was only a matter of time now.

Logain sighed when he saw the castle come into view. He had to walk there like a normal person. Doing normal people things was excruciatingly painful. If only he could use his magic to transport there. It would only take his a second, but there was the chance that the small amount of magic he used would cost him his life. He wouldn't risk that, though with as much pain as he was in sometimes it was tempting to him.

He could just end it all. A little bit of magic would do the trick.

He tried to push the thought to the back of his mind. He was starting to think about this too much lately. It wasn't like his life meant anything. He never did anything great despite being a powerful warlock. He had so much magic before he got sick. He could have done great things, but instead he wasted all of those years that he had. He was only half warlock and now his time was running out. Being half human meant that he lived longer than a regular human, but he would eventually die.

He never even had the chance to find love. Logain was in love with someone, but that someone was married. It wasn't like he would have had a chance with him. Sebastian liked women, so Logain was nothing more than a friend to him. It made Logain hate himself even more. Why did he have to have such feelings for another man? Men liking the same gender was looked down upon. People who knew that Logain was like this shunned him. There were only a few people who accepted him for being this way. Most of the time he tried to hide it.

Sebastian rejected Logain long before he was married to the princess. When he said no to him, Logain was heartbroken. They had grown up together and they had become good friends. Logain thought that when he told Sebastian his feelings then he would stop being his friend, but that wasn't the case. Sebastian simply told him that his feelings for the boy were merely ones of friendship. He then pat him on the head and told him that he would help him find a man. Logain still didn't have anyone, but at least Sebastian stayed his friend. That was more than he asked for and he was content with it.

Logain walked up to the gates of the castle and let himself in. He doubted that the king and queen would care. He was welcome here after helping their daughter many years before. As a friend of the princess, they wouldn't deny him access to the castle.

He knew where to find who he was looking for. Sebastian and Princess Selene could normally be found in their chambers. They knew that he was coming, so they would wait for him there. Whatever they wanted to talk to him about was something secret. They didn't want others to know what they were doing. It sounded urgent. He didn't understand why they needed his assistance, though. He was happy spending his days alone, waiting for death to take him.

He sighed once again. He really needed to stop having such depressing thoughts. Someone might start to think that he was suicidal.

The two were waiting in the room just like he suspected that they would be. Princess Selene cradled a baby in her arms. It was hers and Sebastian's child. Logain felt a pang in his chest. It was normal for couples to have a child together, but it still hurt. It just shoved it in his face some more that he couldn't be the one with Sebastian. If only he were born a girl . . .

The child was also most likely like him. Selene was human and Sebastian was a warlock. There was a chance that the baby would be like him, which meant that the child would have to go through the same sickness as him when it grew up. Sebastian was reluctant to have a child because he knew that it could end up like Logain. It would have magic, then it wouldn't be allowed to use it because of the risk of dying. For their sake, Logain hoped that the child wasn't born with magic. Then it could live a normal life without having to suffer.

When Logain entered the room, Sebastian approached him and embraced his friend. It was a friendly gesture, but it stirred up more feelings in Logain. It felt nice to be in another mans arms like this, then it was over. Sebastian smiled at his friend and Logain gave him a small smile back. Before Sebastian was married and before Logain got sick, Logain had no problem clinging onto Sebastian. It annoyed his friend, but he liked to tease him and be close to him like that. Now Logain didn't dare act that way towards his friend. It made Selene jealous and Logain didn't have the energy for that sort of thing anymore.

Logain was starting to feel odd being so near his friend. He cleared his throat and asked, "So what is it that you need?"

He got down to business. He wasn't in the mood for chitchat and he wanted to get back home as soon as possible. At least there he could be alone and wallow in his own self-pity all by himself. Here he had to pretend that everything was okay. He had a feeling that Sebastian could see right through him, though. After being friends for so long, Sebastian knew when something was wrong.

He gave his friend a worried look. "Are you in a lot of pain today?"

He was in a ton of pain. It put him in a horrible mood, which he hated taking out on his friend. Just another reason for him to hate himself. He lied so that Sebastian wouldn't worry so much. "I'm okay. I'm just a dying old man."

"I hope that I look as good as you when I get old," Selene commented. She stood up from the bed and walked over to the two men. The baby was sleeping in her arms.

It was a good thing that Logain didn't look his age. Even though he was only half of a warlock, he looked like he didn't age a day over twenty. Despite his young looks, he felt like his age. Being over two hundred years old sure took a toll on a person. He did his best to hide his pain, though. He gave the two of them a small smile.

"I know that you don't want to be here for long, so I'll make this quick. My eldest brother disappeared about a week ago. My parents are starting to realize that he's been missing. I think they noticed before, but they only started to ask about him. Soon they might send a search party looking for him. If you wouldn't mind, could you help search for him?" Selene asked.

Logain was taken aback. Why did they need his help searching for her brother? Sebastian could use his magic to find him within a second. Logain couldn't do that anymore, so what made them think that he would be of any use to them.

"Why can't Sebastian just find him?" Logain asked. He didn't see how this involved him in the slightest bit.

Selene bit her lip and looked away from him. They were hiding something, Logain could tell. Sebastian answered, "I have found him, but he refuses to come back with me. We thought that someone with more . . . personal interests could convince him to come home?"

"Personal interests? What's that supposed to mean? And why couldn't you just force him home with your magic?" This didn't make any sense.

"You'll find out when you meet him. I'll take you there now." Sebastian grabbed Logain's arm.

Logain didn't expect him to use his magic and transport them away from the castle. He didn't even agree to their request.


Hey, guys! So anyone who's read my stories Little Red and Upon A Time already know who Logain and all of the other characters are. If you haven't read them then don't worry! The characters in the stories are connected, but that's about it. This story is separate from the others.

If you have read Little Red then you probably remember that Logain wasn't sick in that story. He didn't get sick until Upon A Time, but he'll talk more about his sickness in this story later on so you don't have to worry about missing anything.

Anyway, thanks so much for reading! I hope you all enjoy this story!

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