Chapter 10

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Prince Casimir didn't let go of Logain's hand, not even when they entered their room for the night. Instead, when Casimir shut the door behind him, he pulled Logain closer to him. Logain was taken aback by the sudden action that he almost didn't react in time when the prince leaned in for a kiss. Before he could kiss him, though, Logain pushed him away.

"Stop! What the hell are you thinking?!" Logain backed up to put some distance between the two of them. The prince didn't get to do anything, but he almost went too far. Drunk or not, he wasn't going to let Casimir take advantage of him.

Casimir shrugged as if this wasn't a big deal. "I thought that maybe you would change your mind and decide to sleep with me. But I guess since I'm not Sebastian you won't give me a chance."

This wasn't really the prince speaking, but the alcohol. Logain knew this, yet it still enraged him. Prince Casimir wouldn't speak to him like this if he were sober. This side of the prince wasn't one that he liked very much. Why did the prince even go out drinking?

"Just stop talking. You're drunk and you don't know what you are saying. Why don't you lie down and get some rest? Let the alcohol wear off." Logain grabbed Casimir's hand to lead him to one of the beds. There were two separate beds this time so they wouldn't have to share. That was a relief to Logain.

When he tried to make the prince lay down, Prince Casimir pushed Logain down on the bed instead. Logain yelped as he fell forward. At least it was a soft landing. He tried to sit up, but when he did Prince Casimir sat on top of him, his legs straddling his hips. He placed his hands on the warlocks shoulders to keep him in place.

Inappropriate thoughts surfaced to Logain's mind as the prince held him down. He could let the prince have his way with him. Logain never experienced being with a man before and seeing how his life was ending he wouldn't get that opportunity. It couldn't hurt to let this happen just one time before he died. He didn't love the prince, though . . . Could he really let this happen when he wasn't in love with him?

Prince Casimir pressed his lips against Logain's neck. He pressed soft kisses along his neck and up to his jaw. His kisses went so close to his mouth a few times, but he never kissed there. Logain closed his eyes and let the prince do as he wanted. He couldn't help how much he enjoyed the prince touching and kissing him. He wanted to be in a man's arms like this. After hopelessly waiting for Sebastian for so long, Logain missed out on this part of life.

This shouldn't be happening. Logain might have wanted the prince to continue, but he couldn't let him. He had standards and he wouldn't sleep with someone that he didn't have feelings for. Logain believed in romance. He believed that he should only share a moment like this with the person that he loved. Since he never found anyone, this side of life was over for him before it even began.

The prince was about to remove his shirt, but Logain stopped him. He grabbed the prince's hands to stop him. As lovely as it would be to see the prince shirtless, Logain didn't want to see him like that.

"Casimir . . . Please, don't. I don't want to do this with you. I'm not in love with you. Hell, I barely know you. So please, don't try to do this to me ever again. I don't want to be with you," Logain said softly. He doubted that the prince would remember what he said in the morning. It would be a miracle if he did, but then things would be awkward between them. Logain hoped that he wouldn't remember any of this. Things could go back to normal if the prince forgot.

If only he could use his magic. He could make the prince forget that this night ever took place. Logain would always remember, though. He hoped that he didn't act strange around the prince come tomorrow.

The prince didn't try to force himself on him again. Despite being drunk, Casimir seemed to understand what was going on perfectly well. He didn't meet Logain's eyes when he said, "If I were Sebastian then you wouldn't mind. Why are you in love with him?"

The prince didn't sound jealous, but curious. He barely knew Logain so he felt nothing towards him. He was a companion until they reached the castle. He could possibly even be his friend if things worked out.

Logain never had to answer this question before. No one ever asked why he was in love with his friend. There were many reasons why he loved him. He sighed then said, "Sebastian has always been there for me since we were kids. We grew up together and as we got older these feelings just . . . became deeper. He looks out for me and when I got sick he tried so hard to find a cure for me. I told him that there isn't one, but that guy never gave up. Sebastian never gives up on me. And when we were kids, he would always try to make me smile. He'd tell me that all he wanted to do was make me happy and he proved it countless times. He was also the first person to accept me for how I am. I know that I've been a burden to him in the past, but he looks passed that. He's a good person to me . . ."

Logain realized that he was rambling, so he shut up. He could have said more about Sebastian. He could tell him about all of the times that he fell further in love with him. He could talk more about when they were children, too. He was sure that Casimir didn't want to hear all of this. It was better to stop talking about Sebastian.

Prince Casimir seemed to be in deep thought. Logain wasn't sure if he was thinking about what he said or if perhaps something else was on his mind. Or maybe the prince lost interest in what he was saying and was now staring off into space. He wasn't sure.

After a bit of silence, Prince Casimir said, "Looks like I'll just have to try harder than him then."

Logain raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see! Anyway, get off of my bed. You already rejected me and now I want to sleep." His tone was playful. He didn't seem upset at all by Logain's rejection.

The warlock did as he was told. Part of him was glad that the prince was letting him go so easily. He thought that this would be more of a struggle, but Casimir was taking his rejection well. Maybe things wouldn't be so awkward between them when tomorrow arrived.


I know the chapters have been pretty short and I apologize for that! I don't have a ton of time to write and I want to get chapters out to you guys! But since the chapters are a bit shorter, that means that there will be more of them (;

I hope everyone enjoyed and thanks for reading!

The Warlock (BxB)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن