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His mate smiled from underneath him, and tilted her head to the side. He leaned down and lightly nipped her ear. "Ah! Adrien~." Hearing his name fall from her lips like that sent shockwaves throughout his body. He trailed open mouthed kisses down her neck, the scent of her arousal becoming rather prominent. He could feel every curve of her body, how she tensed and relaxed under his attention.

He felt her writhe beneath him as he settled between her legs, his body flush against hers. He felt her wrap her legs around his waist, and he thrusted against her clothed core. He arched as she raked her nails down his back. "Goddamn!", he cursed, feeling the resulting tingles rush through his body to rest at his groin. "Please.", she whispered in his ear, her hot breath ghosting over the shell just before she nipped him.

He groaned as images of their future life flashed before his eyes. He wanted that. That family. That home. That life. He leaned down to her ear and whispered,"Your wish is my command, my queen."


Adrien woke with a start, arousal coursing hot and heavy through his body. He was burning up, and so hard it hurt. He looked down at the rather prominent tent in the blankets. He could still feel the phantom scratch marks on his back, and the little too real scent of his dream mate around him. "Fuuuck!", he growled, throwing the covers off.

He looked around the room, noting the lack of a bathroom. He sighed, hoping to calm his nerves enough to leave the room without jumping someone. Getting up proved to be uncomfortable in almost every sense of the word with the embarrassment of his not so little problem and the tightness of his jeans. With how low they were currently riding on his hips, the head and a the majority of the shaft were jutting out of his pants, and the tip came to just above his navel. He had trouble hiding it under normal circumstances, but he could just forget it now, especially with no shirt.

He tentatively made his way to the door. He opened it just enough to stick his head (the one on his shoulders, guys) through it while hiding the rest of his body behind the door. He came face to face with none other than Marinette. Even without arousal lacing her scent, it was still clear as day that she was his dream mate.

He blushed. This was the he wanted so badly. How had he known her for so long and not realized it sooner? He wanted to show her exactly how much he needed her, but refrained from doing so with a,"Good morning, purrincess."

She blushed and stuttered,"G-good morning, A-Adrien." His eyes widened at the use of his name. It wasn't laced with want like in his dream, but it was still his name falling from his future mate's lips. Rolling off of her tongue. He had to close his eyes and grab the door for stability. "Bathroom.", he simply stated. "F-first door t-to the right.", she said before scrambling off downstairs to the kitchen and living area. Once she was out of sight, he made a beeline for that door.


Nearly an hour later, the Mau came down to the living area. A steaming cup was handed to him along with a plate of eggs and toast. He sniffed it, noting that it smelled vaguely familiar. "What is this?" "Lemongrass tea. You both will start training today. Tikki and I will be training Marinette, and Plagg will be training you."

Adrien didn't know who these Tikki and Plagg people were, but he knew he'd get to meet them soon. He just didn't anticipate the magical chime that sounded around the room. "They're here early. It's not even 9:00 yet.", Sabine said as she went downstairs to meet the fae.

Of Magic and MayhemDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora