"Dani," I heard Liam whisper from behind me as he rested his hands on my shoulders. "Come with me." He softly said, pushing me slightly forward. I nodded and he trailed his hand down my arm and to my hand. He locked our fingers together and stepped in front of me, walking us into our room.

"Liam, what's wrong?" I asked once he shut the door behind his.

"Nothing babe. I just wanted a little alone time both we left." He said and crushed me in a bear hug. He picked me up and jumped on the bed backwards so that I was laying on him. "I'm going to miss you." he kissed my forehead after he whispered it in my ear.

"Let's not make this a sad goodbye." I suggested to him.

"Let's not make it a goodbye at all. Let's have it be a 'see you soon'."

I nodded at him and rested my head on his chest so that I could hear his heartbeat.

"It's only two weeks we can do this. We made it through four months, we can make it another two weeks." Liam reinsured me when I let a tear slip and fall onto the fabric of his shirt. "Don't cry please." Her begged and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm not crying, I just have something in my eye." I simply stated.

"Nice try love." He chuckled and cupped his hand over my cheek. "You still have the ring, right?"

"Of course." I sat up and sat cross legged on the bed right beside him, but he only moved his head so that he was looking at me. I lifted my hand and twisted the ring around my finger. I could feel Liam's stare on my hands but I ignored it. He grabbed my hand and examined the ring.

"You know, one day there is going to be a different ring on your hand it is going to mean that you are mine and mine only," he turned his hand again to look straight at me in the eye. "Forever and always." He whispered and kissed my knuckles.

"You don't really mean that." I slightly pulled my hand away from his and looked away from him.

"Of course I do my love. Why wouldn't I? I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life you and that is a promise."

"Liam," I slightly sighed as he took my hand back into his own.

"Just shut up and let us have a cute moment." He chuckled and grabbed both of my wrist and pulled me down so he could kiss me.

"Liam! If you two are trying to have a quicky, then I suggest you to hurry up!" Harry yelled from the other side of the door while knocking.

"Harry, you are the most perverted person I know!" I yelled back to him.

"Whatever you think babe!" he said back causing me and Liam to laugh. "Now hurry up with whatever you two are doing." He said followed by the sound of fading footsteps.

"Come on." Liam said standing up and pulling my up with him. He opened the door and he walked down the stairs. David was sitting at the counter next to Niall and both had a plate of chocolate cake in front of them and had it all over their faces.

"Really Niall? I can understand the cake on David's face, but yours?" I joked with him while grabbing a napkin to wipe David's face. I threw the napkin away and grabbed the bottle of orange juice from the fridge and poured myself a glass.

"Um Danielle?" Niall questioned me.

"Yes Nialler?" I answered back in the same tone as he did.

"You forgot something." He smirked and motioned to his face.

"Are you serious? I am not wiping your face. You are twenty years old, not going to happen."

"Oh come on! You wiped David's face off!"

"But she is my Mommy." David said and shoved my cake in his mouth.

"And he is three years old, not twenty." I pointed out to him and sipped my juice. Niall rolled his eyes while taking a napkin to wipe his face. "Now was that so hard?" I mocked him.

"Agenizing." He fired back with another eye roll. He picked up his and David's empty plates and sat them in the sink the poured David a glass of milk.

"Alright lot, time to go." Paul said walking into the house. Everyone got up from their seat except Liam and David. Each of the boys hugged and kissed my cheek goodbye and walked out the door leaving us three alone.

"Time to go." Liam said picking David up and placing him on his hip. "No sad goodbye, remember?" he fake pouted when he say my eyes tear up.

"I know, I know." I told him and hugged them both.

"Bye, bye Mommy." David said and kissed my cheek. They walked out the door but David yelled.

"Wait Daddy! Wait!" He yelled and wiggled out of his arms and ran back inside and clung to my leg. "Mommy! Who is going to kiss you goodnight now because Daddy is leaving and I am too." He asked me and my heart melted.

"I will be okay." I told him.

"But if someone doesn't kiss you goodnight how are you going to be happy in the morning?" he frantically asked.

"I don't know baby." I said and started to cry.

"Come one David." Liam said and picked him up again.

"No! Someone has to kiss Mommy goodnight!" he pleaded to Liam.

"Shh, it will be okay. Calm down." Liam cooed to him as the stepped out of the house, closing the door behind them leaving my in complete tears.

*is it bad that I cried writing this? Why do I do this to myself?*

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