Alternate Ending

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You and Pearl sat there on the edge of the hot sand and watched as Garnet and Zircon played around in the water. "You will never manage to get me under the water!" Zircon dodged Garnets large stretchy hand and laughed even more. "To slow!" Zircon jumped up and flipped over Garnet when she tried to tackle her down. "Sit still!" Garnet said still attempting to catch Zircon. "Where's the fun in that?" You looked at Pearl with a warm smile as she stood up. "Would you like to help out?" You stood up and held her hand tightly. "I would enjoy putting Zircon under water." Zircon stopped Garnet in her tracks and looked at you two. "I'd love to see you try." Zircon said putting her guard all the way up. "Here I come!" You said taking off as fast as you could twords her. "You aren't supposed to tell me that you're-" You held onto Zircons waist tightly and picked her up getting ready to slam her in the water. "I know all your tricks Zircon! You can't fool me again!" "Yes I can! Hold your breath Pearl!" You immediately stopped when you noticed Pearl holding onto you tightly. "How did She?" "Honestly, I don't even know..." Pearl said as shocked as you. "Just because you got faster doesn't mean you can beat me." Zircon said sticking her tounge out at you. "Oh you're such a pain!" You said laughing a bit. Zircon stopped mocking you when she saw two large figures slowly emerge from the water. "Guys get on the sand." She said sternly, In a hurry you grabbed Pearl and ran next to Zircon. "Who are they?" "Its Jasper and Lëon...i assume they're here for you." "You assumed right Zircon, we left you alone years ago why take up for this thing as well?" "(Y/N) isn't a thing (She/He) is my friend." You looked at Zircon a bit shocked by what she said and smiled with determination. "And as you can see Lëon friends don't let friends go." Zircon took a step forward and pointed at the lion like gem. "Since I know you aren't going to back down so easily let's get this over with so I can continue making fun of (Y/N), you're wasting valuable time." Zircon grabbed the arrow Lëon shot at your face and broke it in half. "What happened to your whip? Can't summon it like you used to?" "That weapon is coming back with us whether you like it or not!" "At least you gave me a choice!" Zircon said walking twords the two. "You think you can walk your way over here like that you false Diamond!" Jasper said running full speed at Zircon. "You're still arrogant?" Zircon caught her helmet and shattered it in her hands. "Wha-!?" Jasper tried to back up but got caught in Zircons grasp before she touched the water. "Face? Or body?" "What!?" "If I punch your face you might get shattered but if I punch your body...i dunno (Y/N) You choose." You smiled again as Zircon threw Jasper your way and heavily punched her in the face forcing her into her gem. "Face." You said catching it. "Alright! Lëon looks like you're next!" "I don't have time for this!" He summoned a whip and quickly whipped past Zircon grabbing into your neck. "Ugh!" "Let (Her/Him) go!" Pearl said about to grab the whip. "If you touch it I'll shatter (Her/Him)!!" Zircon put her hand up to Pearl and shook her head. "He's serious don't touch that whip." He pulled as hard as he could making you fly twords him. "Zircon do something!" "There's nothing I can do." Pearl grabbed her shoulder and angrily looked at her. "What do you mean there's nothing you can do!?" "Pearl please." Lëon laughed as he yelled out home disappearing with you in his hands. "And you said friends never let friends go!" He said still laughing. "Guys?" You said before you completely vanished. "Zircon you could've helped (Y/N)!" "No, I really couldn't have Pearl. (Y/N) can do this on (his/her) own (she's/he's) not weak anymore. I taught (her/him) a few things anyway when stuff like this happens." Zircon said looking up at the bright sky. "I lost (Y/N) forever..." Pearl said looking down sadly. "Not really!" Zircon said patting her back as she started walking away. "You just let (Y/N) get caught?" Garnet asked as she passed by. "Yep." "I don't understand the reasoning here Zircon." "When you don't believe in others you never will."


You followed Lëon as he slightly dragged you around long hallways thinking to yourself about Pearl and what Zircon taught you. "Play along..." You whispered to yourself. "Hurry up." He said pulling you. "I'm literally right behind you, you wretched feline!" You yelled out making him and everyone around you stop and stare at you. "Wretched feline? That's the last thing you want to say before you get back in that bo-!!" You strongly kicked up kicking him dead in the chin immediately knocking him on the ground. "Ugh!!" He said holding his jaw. "I refuse to get back in that box and I refuse to let anyone else innocent get stuck in it!" You grabbed onto him and threw his heavy body in the clear box. "What are you doing!?" "Giving you a taste of your own medicine!" You closed it, up locking it back into place as you Started to string him up in the air. Everyone around you watched but didn't dare go near you. "All of you need to learn to be free and think for yourselves. Who says the Diamonds are always right? More gems that are affraid to do anything separately?" You took his whip off of your neck and ran towards the edge with a smile and laughter. "One day you'll all see what true happiness is!!" You said jumping off of the platform quickly falling down into the earthy woods. "Haha!! I can't believe it actually worked!" You bursted through the trees and quickly made your way through beach city. "Pearl! Garnet! Zircon!!" "(Y/N)?" Steven said confused. You picked him up as you ran twords the house. "What's going on!?" You busted the door down and placed Steven down lightly. "I did what you told me Zircon and it worked! Also I'm really sorry about the door but I'm to excited right now!" Pearl tightly hugged you when you put your hands up in the air. "You're back!" "Of course I am! It's not like I got trapped and put back in that box again." "You're pretty sneaky Zircon." Garnet said not looking at Zircon as she opened Garnets room door. "How did you do it?" "Simple...

Tell the creator to make it different."

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