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It's funny how life begins in an instant.

For a time; an inexplicably long time, there is naught but darkness. A darkness so great and vast it becomes all that you know. Darkness worthy of a black hole, of abyss

And then, with almost painful clarity, there is life. There is life, love, hate and yes, darkness. But this darkness, this wakeful darkness is different to that darkness of an eternal slumber. This darkness has an end, no matter how long it lasts. For that reason, wakeful darkness is different to that unfathomable darkness of the sleeping abyss.

Although you cannot remember a time before you lived, you know it must exist. You did once spend an eternity in the dark abyss. You know this just as certainly as you know that your earliest memory isn't really your first memory. You had already lived for months, for years. And although you cannot remember these months or years before, you have records and accounts of its existence; perhaps in photo albums or the fond re-tellings of some of your earliest mishaps recounted by grandmothers, mothers, fathers and older siblings alike.

I wonder if death is the same.

That you've lived for however many years in the painful clarity of life, and then in one foul swoop you're back in the black abyss.

Do you know that you're dead? Can you still remember your life, and the people you left behind? I hope the latter isn't true. That would be unnecessarily cruel; to be able to remember those you love and know that you will never see them again.

A lot of my time is spent thinking about death.

I wonder which myths and legends are true, or at least similar to the real deal. Does Death appear cloaked and scythe in hand? Or does your life flash before your eyes in a blinding light? Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that death is nothing more than the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue. Yep, in my opinion, death is nothing more or less than the scientific definition of dying. Sorry to disappoint you. But nonetheless, I still think about it. After all, death is all that awaits me. So I may as well brood on it, right?

I hope you enjoyed the prologue for my new story, "Prisoner 0004C".
All comments, reads and votes are greatly appreciated and I welcome constructive criticism warmly!
Also, my writing isn't perfect so please ignore any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise!
Thanks so much for your time, I hope you enjoyed the Prologue!
- Love, Laura xx

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