Louis flushed red at the memory of his confession and all the embarrassing fanboying he did before -and while- he and Harry were together. However, before Louis could answer, Becca interrupted him.

"You should see them when they do sit together though. Tommo over here couldn't even look at Harry at the beginning and they were both blushing like crazy. They even bickered about who should pay until Harry bribed him with a hug. I love them though and that blond friend of them is probably writing some fiction about them. He calls them Larry and acts like a real fan... I wouldn't be surprised if he has merch."

Eleanor's eyes widened, "He has merch?! Why do I not know this? I'm a Larry shipper too! They're adorable, I know, just look at this little midget blushing. It's one of the only times Louis Tomlinson gets shy!"

And that's how Eleanor and Becca continued to gush about Harry's and Louis' love life while the latter was sitting there with them, his face covered with his hands and praying that his Hazza would come through the door as soon as possible.

Ten minutes passed before the door opened and a tall, lanky and adorable boyfriend walked into the shop. Harry's smile widened when he saw Louis and he immediately took the seat beside him, not taking notice of the two females who were grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Hey love, are you alright? You're a bit red, do you have a fever? I can walk you home if you want. I'll make some soup and we can cuddle while watching Grease."

"I'm not sick, but thanks babe." The older replied, snuggling closer to Harry.

Eleanor and Becca both beamed at each other while the former mouthed 'I told you'.

Two cups of tea, one muffin and a kale smoothie later, Eleanor and the annoyingly cute couple were walking back towards the Tomlinson's house. Eleanor filled Harry in on what happened when she had arrived and she got a high five when she got to the end of the story -though Harry later asked Louis if Nick was alright after that because he didn't like it when people were hurting even if they deserved it-. Eleanor left after catching up with Jay and Lottie while Harry got convinced to stay over by his boyfriend's family (Louis will forever suspect that Fizzy and Lottie were crushing on Harry).

The lights got turned off and Louis took his position behind Harry because even if Harry was the tallest of the two, he loved to be the little spoon and who was Louis to deny him that? They got comfortable and exchanged 'I love you's before closing their eyes and finally drifting off to sleep.


Light was shining through the curtains in Louis' room and the lad tried his hardest to keep sleeping through it, but it got near impossible when he heard more voices than necessary.

"But what does this have to do with our trip to Doncaster? I mean, it's not like Nick knows that we're gonna look into the whole matter. The most we get out of it is some minor punishment for him anyway," Liam said and Louis really didn't know why Liam was in his room.

"Are you sure we don't have to beat him up? You know... just to repay him for yesterday? We shouldn't have left Lou alone." And that's Niall. Louis swears that he'll drown the lad if the blond only came to raid his fridge again.

Harry snorted, "Lou isn't helpless, Ni. He can't handle himself."

"True that," Zayn added. And, okay, why was the whole crew holding a meeting in Louis' room while the subject of conversation was still sleeping?

Louis opened his eyes and sighed, "Care to fill me in or do I have to keep eavesdropping and pretend you guys didn't interrupt my sleep?"

"Good morning, love." Harry smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss before he even tried to summarize everything, "I called them over because I was concerned. We need to do something if Nick keeps coming after you. He's not doing anything to you physically now, but I'm not going to sit and wait until that changes. We might be able to send him to reform facility."

Zayn rolled his eyes at that, "We don't even know that, H. It's not like they ever cared enough to consider it and Louis only got a warning from the police because there was no evidence but the rumours Nick told them."

Niall jumped up, "And what if we hack into Max' laptop?"

Four pairs of eyes looked at the blond as if he had gone crazy, "And who would do that?"

"Ed," Niall said, already hyped up from his idea, "He told me once that he can do that, he even stole some game accounts from an online game from me, so how hard could it be? We only have to find out if Max' parents didn't throw away his stuff."

Zayn nodded, "They didn't. His room stayed the same. This might actually work."

"And then what?" Louis asked, he wasn't convinced of this at all, "We sneak into all of his accounts, find evidence, get it to his parents or the police or whatever and what? Nick gets a warning? I know that what we did was 'encouraging to taking a life', but it's still some stupid arguing between teenagers."

"That might not be all, Lou. I talked to a few girls from school and it seems that Nick wasn't only exploiting guys. Harry's idea of a reform facility might not be so farfetched after all."


a/n: I have no idea when this fan fiction became so serious

Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented (and voted) on the previous update. You have no idea how much that all meant to me and how much it helped me (okay, so I might've cried, but it has been a very emotional year and that was one of the few times I felt completely supported and freed from all pressure). So, thank you so much I love you guys so much!

Q: I got some ideas for a second book, but should I end it with this one?

Q2: It got pretty dark there at the end (even though that wasn't my intention when I started writing). Do you guys want me to return to the fluffy stuff ASAP or do you don't mind it if I just roll with it?

Q3: I planned to write 8 more chapters. Alright with you guys? (asking this because I always think you guys get bored of this story)

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