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Rhiannon ⬆️

"You say you wanna chase the moon like fire well together we can fake our own deaths here just wanna be alone and watch as you all just disappear"
-Pierce The Veil (Floral And Fading)

"She won't make it to her own graduation" The voice repeated in my head like a broken record making me scoff as I sat in the passenger seat of my brother's car. They also said I wouldn't live until my teenage years and look where I am now, an eighteen year old being told she has about only five months to live. Of course hey could be wrong, but they could be right too.

"What are you scoffing about already?" By brother, Declan or Dec for short, asked me.

"Just about what the doctor said. Because they said the exact same thing about ten years ago." I said, arms crossed over my chest.

"Well let's hope that they are actually correct this time." He said coldly. "All your appointments are costing me a lot of money."

"It's not up to me. Up to my heart."

Dec didn't speak. He just glazed at me he and kept driving home. I looked out the window and wondered if my mate would reject me if he knew about the package of hospital bills, heavy medication schedule and strict diet that comes with me.

I sighed and shook my head. Listening to the light hum of the music coming out of the radio. Green Day.

Pulling up to our driveway, I saw our alpha, Alpha Artemiy about to knock on our door.
He was a good alpha. And an intimidating looking one too. His arms were covered in tattoos, and he stood at a pretty impressive height too. 6'4.

"Alpha Artemiy, what brings you here to our humble abode?" Dec asked a goofy smile on his face. He put on that smile every time.
Alpha Artemiy smiled back at him, looking like the friendly alpha he is.

"Ahh. Rhiannon hello dear. You too Declan. I was just going to tell you that Alpha Balthazar is coming today." He said, a thick Russian accent woven into his deep voice. He looked down at his watch. "In an hour actually. He is signing another treaty with out pack and also asked if he could give it a shot at looking for his mate. You never know Rhiannon, maybe you're the lucky one." He winked at me.

We might not be ranked wolves, but alpha Artemiy treats us like he would treat his own. He treats everyone in the pack like that. Only he doesn't know what is happening behind closed doors. Or my condition because Max is keeping that a secret.

"Thank you for the invitation Alpha. I will do my best to be there." I smiled up at him and hugged him.

Dec shot me a sharp look. A warning.

"I will be looking for you. Don't even try not showing up." He said playfully and left.

Declan and I walked into the house and I went straight upstairs and went to the shower. After that I put on a new outfit.

I wore a sweater and a skirt with thermal leggings underneath and a scarf

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I wore a sweater and a skirt with thermal leggings underneath and a scarf. Because of my condition I get cold as easily as ice cream melting in 100 degree weather, and especially this time of year when the air conditioning is on its maximum setting, I get cold in the pack house in a matter of seconds. I ask needed to cover the bruises that Max has given me, from the public eye

Dec and just wearing jeans and a plaid shirt so we started walking to the pack house, fifteen minutes from where we lived.

"You better stay out of everyone's way. Nobody want you there. And you better not open your mouth about anything that happens at home. Understood?" I nodded my head and with a huff he headed for he pack house.
The pack house which was gorgeous. It is four stories high, with pillars and stone lining the doorframe and up to the roof.

There were two SUV's and one Tesla model X parked next to the pack house making me believe that Alpha Balthazar has arrived.

We walked inside of the pack house and were met with loud chatter coming from the big living room.

Once we entered, all chatter stopped and people stopped to stare at me.

I didn't come out of the house often, only to go to school so people thought of me as a freak and of course whispered that. Quickly getting over their shock they went back to their conversations. Weird people.

Speaking of, I then found my best friend who was already stalking over to me, arms opened wide.

"Hey Annon" Eliza said with a wide grin. I don't know how she came up with calling me Annon, she just did. I think it's short for anonymous in Russian. Alpha Artemiy must have told her.

"Hi Eli." I grinned back at her. She was taller than me by two inches, standing at 5'8. "Are you exited to meet the alpha?" I asked her.

"Yeah. You know there is always a chance of him being my mate, but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up because you could be his mate. Or his mate could not be in this pack at all..." I blocked her out and took a moment to look over what she was wearing.

Her outfit was simple. A black skirt and white blouse with short sleeves.

She was cut off with a tap of a microphone, and a marvelous smell entering the room.

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