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Warning, might be triggering (no self harm just very scary scene) if you don't like scary movies and get scared easily then read only when you see this 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

"If I could be with you tonight I would sing you to sleep. Never let them take the lights behind your eyes."
-My Chemical Romance (The Light Behind Your Eyes)

" -My Chemical Romance (The Light Behind Your Eyes)

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I woke up to a dark room. There was not a single beam of light coming through the window. I was going to turn around and snuggle into the warm firm chest of my mate, when I realized that I couldn't move. I couldn't move a muscle and that scared me.
I tried to open my mouth to scream but they came out as soft pants. My breathing became labored and I wanted to cry.
I looked at the clock that was across the bed and had bright red numbers on the display.
2:55 am.
The room being pitch black didn't help either and I was afraid of what could be hiding in the dark corners of the huge room.

I turned my eyes as much as possible towards my sleeping mate who was snoring lightly and had one hand lightly draped over me, and the other by his face. I would take the time to admire him, but at the moment I was trying my best to try and make myself move, and make a sound other than a pant.

I cast my eyes towards the clock that read 3:27 am.
It has been almost 40 minutes of me hopelessly trying to get myself to move or make a sound.

Years by now we're streaming down my face as my heart hammered inside of my chest. Especially when I saw something move in the corner of the room. The figure moved closer until it was right by the bed.

I tried to scream or trash or do something, but I couldn't. I couldn't do it al all.

The figure seemed to float over to me, until it was just above my chest, and it became harder to breathe because of the weight it was putting on me.

It seemed to lean closer, until it was just a few inches away from my face.
It seemed to freeze, just staring at me even though I could somehow see that he had nothing to stare with.
Then it disappeared.

I was hoping hat I would be able to live with its disappearance, but no. I stored to love and scream again but to no vail. I was not even more freaked out especially because of what just happened.

I was sure my heart would give out by now.
Then suddenly, Balthazar jerked awake, looking around the room when his eyes landed on me. I was probably a sight to see. I was laying there like a tree trunk. Unmoving. My mouth opened slightly letting out soft pants as tears streamed down my face, soaking the pillow and my hair.

"Rhiannon! What's wrong Rhiannon" he asked, turning to face me fully. "Oh gosh, how long have you been like that." He turned towards the clock. "It's almost five am." He said, reaching out a hand to touch my wet, tear stained cheek. His other hand grabbed my hands that were crossed over my stomach next to each other. This seemed to work because in a few minutes I let out an ear piercing scream, and bolted upright, attaching myself to a slightly startled Balthazar.

I hugged him for dear life as I cried into his chest, with him rubbing my back soothingly.

After a few minutes, or maybe more like a half an hour of me crying, Balthazar finally asked me.

"What the hell happened?"

"I...I don't know. But it was so scary Balthazar. It was ducking terrifying. I couldn't move and I couldn't make a single sound." My theist felt dry and scratchy from all the crying and attempted screaming. "I was like that for so long Balthazar. So. So long."

"How long sweetheart?" He asked, kissing the top of my head while my cave was pressed against his warm, firm and very comforting chest, his big arms surrounding me in a protecting cocoon.

"Since three in the morning. It was so scary."

"Two hours." He mumbled to himself. "It's alright sweetheart. We'll go to the doctor in the morning."

"There is something else Balthazar." I whispered, and Balthazar gave me a concerned look. "There was this, creature." I began and Balthazar growled, immediately sniffing the air for any foreign scent.

"Go on" he growled lowly, on high alert.

"He looked more like a shadow. He stood in the corner, then slowly came here and sat on my chest just staring at me for what seemed like forever before suddenly disappearing. It was terrifying Balthazar. I tried to was you up but I couldn't move or make a sound." Tears were brimming my eyes again, and Balthazar quickly wiped the ones that escape away.

"Shadow people." He growled and went to a bookshelf to retreat a book. Shadow was written in thick cursive on the spine.
Balthazar flipped though some pages before stopping and reading aloud.

"Shadow people usually appear during the night and come to a person who is experiencing sleep paralysis. They are known for staring and having no distinct features. They come into the supernatural world a lot, and visit many superior families like alpha, beta, and gamma families to stalk them. They are usually sent out by somebody who wants to target the person and learn about everything dear to them. They work like a spy who's lurking in the dark." He stopped there. "Somebody's out to get you." He growled and I immediately walked over to him, embracing him in a hug.

"It's alright. You'll protect me right?" I said, knowing this will boost his already huge ego, but I needed to calm him down.

"You know, my wolf was scratching at my head, trying to wake me up for hours and then he was able to break through my sleep and jerk me awake." He said, staring off to nowhere. "If only I let him do that sooner, this wouldn't have happened."

"It is not your fault Balthazar. You couldn't control it. Is don't blame yourself." I said with a soft smile, putting my hand on his slightly stubble covered cheek.

"This is why I fucking love you Rhiannon." He said and leaves down to kiss me in a kiss filled with passion and a little bit of guilt.

"I love you too Balthazar." I mumbled against his lips.

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