The boys chuckle at this and I sit next to Niall before strapping myself in, and Emily straps herself in the passengers seat.

Emily's POV

When I get in the car I look over to Harry, whos mouth is gapping open slightly. I giggle and I strap myself in before saying "you look great too babe" I peck his cheek and her closes his mouth, finally.

Harry's wearing a blue, almost purple blouse with a black tie what brings his jade green eyes out perfectly and a black blazer.

"Um, sorry love, you just look so gourgous" he replies truthfully and I grin before thanking him, and he starts to drive to our mystery date location.

Ciona's POV

I smile at Niall and he returns it with a toothy grin "you look amazing, Bibble" he says softly. I blush at my childhood nickname before complimenting him back "you don't look too back yourself, Ni".

He's wearing black smart pants and a white blouse with a black blazer. "I try my best" he replies laughing, making me laugh also.

God his laugh is contagious! I love it though.


Still Ciona's POV

Niall and I were just talking about our childhood memories when the car stops.

"C'mon everyone!" Harry sings and opens his door and closing it before running over to Emily's side to open her door.

She thanks his and gets out, Harry then closes the door "Hurry up Horan and Co." Emily moans making us all laugh.

Niall opens the door and gets out before holding out a hand for me "Coming, love?" he questions me and I nod as I take his hand "thanks".

We walk into the resturant and it's really fancy! Like a million pounds fancy! How are Emily and I going to afford anything here?!

I push the thought out of my head as my are guided to a candel-lit table, two chairs on each side with a red velvet table cloth.

We all get seated, Niall opposite me and Emily the same with Harry. We all start talking as a group when out chatting is interfeared by a slutty girl.

She looks round about 10 years older than us, even though I couldn't really tell by the amount of crap on her face. And not to mention her fake, way OTT (A/N over the top, if you didn't know) beauty spot. What really made her look like a witch. She's just about wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. And when I mean 'nearly', I mean that the skirts basically where her arse is and nearly all of her blouse buttons are undone, showing loads of cleavledge.

So basically, ew.

I crouched down making her boob nearly fall out in front of the boys faces and Emily and I turn our face to the wall nearly gagging.

"What would you two sexy boys want as a drink?" she asks innocently, her pearly white teeth suprsing not blinding them.

"Do you know what I want, love?" Harry asks sweetly.

Oh god, no Harry! COME THE F**** ON!

"What's that babe?" she asks seductively.

Can I puke now? Seriously!

"I want...ANOTHER WAITER!" harry shouts out the last two words making her gasp and trot away, making her trip over a couple of times.

We turn back to the boys and we burst out into laughter, like who couldn't laugh at that?!

Harry places his hands on Emily's when the next waiter walks over smiling at Emily and I.


This ones a boy, he has his pitch black hair slicked back making it look like all of the grease from KFC just fell on his head with once again a white blouse and black trousers.

"Hello, lovely ladies, and men" he begins, smirking and winking at me and Emily. Why the hell are all of the waiters her pervs or desperate?!

"What or who do you want to eat?" he questions us, nearly making Emily gag, while i'm trying to hold in my laughter.

"We're going!" Niall shouts and pulls me up wrapping hi arm round my shoulders pulling me close to him, I don't mind though.

"Yeah, let's go!" Harry shouts also and pulls Emily up and pecks her and pulls her out, me and Niall running out after.

"Where are we going to go now?" Emily inquires, I really wanna know too.

"THE BEACH!" the boys shout at exactly the same time, obviously that was plan B.


Ciona's POV

Harry parks the car and we jump out, removing our shoes leaving them in the car and we walk out.

Harry leads Emily off somewhere so, me and Nialler just lay on the sand, my head on his arm and his other arm wrapped around my waist.

I don't even care if we're not together...

I love him, I know that for real now.

Emily's POV

Harry leads me off to a little cave shelter what still have a sand bottom and we sit down, my on his lap.

"I know this is basically the begining of the date, and our relationship. But I really think we're meant to be together. I've only known you for a little while, but It seems like years, it seems like i've known you my whole life." Harry speaks out after moments of silence.

I think for a sencond before answering back honestly "I thought the very same thing when I laid my eyes on you for the first time" I smile when I say this. Not amount of make-up will cover this blush up.

Harry turns my around on his lap so i'm facing him, and he kisses me. But this kiss it like our small pecks we've shared already, this one has meaning, this one has real love and this one is the start of a perfect relationship.

Though, the kiss get heated very quickly, with him forcing his tounge in my mouth and my hand find their way up to his hair and I pull on it slightly, making Harry's breath hitch.

After, what seemed to be like hours what was only probably 5 minuted of this heated make-out session we both pull away. Gasping for air.

God I love this boy.

Ciona's POV

We lay like this for a little while, not saying anything. Just the sound of the water meeting the shore before Niall pipes up.

"Ciona, i've been wanting to ask you something for god knows how long" he asks, his tone turning serious.

I lift up my head to face him "yeah, what's up?" I ask back, turning serious too.

"Ciona, will you..." Niall mumbles the last part so it's basically unaudible to me, even though i'm right there.

He takes a deep breath in before saying louder "Ciona, will you be my girlfriend?"

He looks at me, his sea blue eyes glistening in the night making me melt "of course I will, Ni" I reply back softly.

He grins at me and kisses me on the lips.

That first kiss what pure bliss, and it's going to welcome many, many more.

Niall's POV

When Ciona said 'yes' to being my girlfriend I felt over the moon!

I kiss her on the lips, not thinking what I was doing or how she'd react.

Thankfully, she kisses back and pulls away grinning, causing crinkles around her eyes, making her look adorable!

We just lay there, me stroking her hair and her closing her eyes drifting off to sleep, me following shortly after.

Somebody I Used To Know-N.H [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now