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I AM SOOOO INCREDIBLY SORRY FOR LACK OF UPDATING, finals has been occupying 110% of my time and I haven't had anytime to just sit and write. Extremely sorry, and I promise to be more active now that school is just about finished and summer right around the corner!

Why did Jesus care so much? Why did Jesus make Daryls stomach flutter and dance. Midday was peaking, and the sun shown brightly at its peak in the sky. Jesus loved this time of day, people were out, the sun poked through the trees, making his skin appear dappled amongst his pale complexion. But Jesus also liked this time of day because this was the time Daryl would be busily working on his bike. Always adding things, or fixing them up. Daryl would always leave streaks of grease on his face, and Jesus thought it was just plain sexy.
Not many new about Jesus drive for men. And none new about this particular man. He had dated men in the past, none were ever serious of course, just one night stands or lust driven relationships. This was different. Jesus was falling in love with a man whom which he didn't know if those feelings were mirrored.
Jesus watched as Daryls shirt rose and fell every time he lifted his arms, revealing a toned stomach and sharp V lines. He could of sworn he was drooling, that was until Daryl caught Jesus looking at him, that he snapped out of it. Daryl yelled "What the fuck you lookin' at?" Jesus shot his eyes away from Daryl.
"Uh, just interested in how you fix your bikes up and all that..?" Jesus stuttered. Daryl nodded "You know anythin' bout' em?" Jesus shook his head, crimson staining his slim face. Daryl scoffed, "Then get out of here and stop staring at me ninja freak" Jesus scurried off, almost wanting to stay. Daryl shook his head, he didn't understand what it was about that boy but he couldn't get it out of his head. He wanted to yell, scream, kick something, but also kiss the hell out of that Jesus looking man.

Nicotine - A Jesus x Daryl FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now