Chapter Twenty Two-To The End (Part One)

Start from the beginning

Party nods and leaves the room to go outside to the Trans Am where the radio to Dr. D is. After a few minutes he comes back inside and tells us Dr. D thinks this is a great plan and will broadcast it. My only hope now is that this actually works, and maybe I can figure out to activate my bomb.

"So let's start to get all our weapons together, then we'll go out on some runs only looking for more weapons."

The boys already officially moved here, so we known that there are no weapons at the diner. But who knows what is hidden around here?

After an hour or so we feel like we have searched the entire place. All we found were five extra ray guns, a bunch of battery packs, and a cool rocket thing(the thing from the Na Na Na video). Looks like we have some runs to go on tomorrow


"Okay so we'll go off in two's. Two take one car, two take the other, two take the bike, then the last two stay to watch Missile, Lock, and Star."

"Hey Brut! Lock and I don't need to be watched!"

I turn to my older sister.

"We still don't know if you guys are completely sane yet. We can't take the chance."

Star rolls her eyes and Lock just shrugs. He may have been one of the best shots, but he's still lazy as fuck. Lock honestly needs someone to take care of him.

"We'll watch them."

Bullet and Ghoul raise their hands. That's a big surprise that they want to stay back, but they're probably staying to fuck.

"Well everyone get their stuff ready for tomorrow. We're starting runs first thing in the morning."


It's now the afternoon before we have to leave for Battery City. We're heading there when it turns evening, so we can be there when other killjoys start arriving.

"So guys, in the morning everything changes. Are you ready?"

I get a bunch of yeahs and yes's in response.

"Well let's get everything in the cars then."

We all take a few trips bringing all the new weapons into the cars. Dr. D and Missile just watch us with longing eyes.

By the time we finish it's almost evening, meaning it's about time to leave. I walk over to Dr. D and give him a tight hug.

"Bye Dr. D. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me. I don't how I can ever repay you."

Dr. D pulls away, but holds onto my arms.

"You repaid me by becoming a strong young woman. When I first met you, you were a frail little thing, completely scared of other people. Now you are about to lead the final battle in this war. That is all I could ever ask for."

Tears start running down my face and I give Dr. D another hug.

"Thank you, you're the dad I never had."

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