The World of Anicia...

Start from the beginning

- Hemming, Gaia is King Noah I's hometown

- Has the largest population of the kingdom

- Holds all mammal shifters (wolf, big cat, elephant, etc...)

- Most resistant island to the Unum Regis deal made to unify the five islands

- Population is most wary of spell casters as their kind has a more deeply rooted history in hatred and mistreat with magic users (especially the kingdom to the South, not seen on map)


- Home to King Caden & younger brother Haden

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- Home to King Caden & younger brother Haden

- Home to aquatic shifters (mermaids, sirens, shark shifters, etc...)

- Majority of mermaid and siren citizens have a dual citizenship between Anicia and the underwater kingdom of Atlantis

- Most diverse population of all five islands

- Citizens of this island have the strongest remaining magic compared to others


- Home to aerial shifters

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- Home to aerial shifters

- First island to agree to Unum Regis deal

- Known most for extravagant architecture of high rising buildings

- Highest dragon population of all islands



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