future grandparents

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry we had you worried, Karen! We have been busy visiting with Benji and working on paperwork. Just been busy!" RJ says as he rubs Will's back. Will and RJ begin to tell Hank and Karen Benji's story.

"I can't wait to meet him! He is so lucky to have you guys as dads. What will he call you guys?" Hank asks. "I'm going to be Daddy, and RJ is going to be Papi." Will says.

"Tell me when I can post this! I can't wait to tell my friends that I'm a Nana!" Karen says with a humongous smile.

"When we are done finishing the forms and have him in our arms we will let you know, Mom. I was afraid we were going have a bad reaction from everybody because I read that it can happen sometimes." Will says, now not being anxious.

"I think adoption is wonderful, sweetheart! I'm just so happy for you guys because I know you guys want to be parents so bad! I am so happy and excited!" Karen says, making Will and RJ smile.

After talking for a few more minutes, Will and RJ end the FaceTime call.

- Telling Martha, Ricardo & Ryan -
RJ and Will call RJ's family next. "Are you nervous?" Will asks RJ. "No, I'm just excited to tell them." RJ says as he kisses Will twice.

"Hey, Mom! How are you?" RJ asks his mom. "Hi RJ! I'm good! I missed you! What's going on?" Martha asks.

"Is Ryan and dad there? Will and I have something to tell you." RJ says and Will smiles.

"Let me go get them!" Martha says as she calls for Ricardo and Ryan. They walk in and sit next to Martha.

"Hey RJ! Hey Will! How are you guys?" Ricardo asks RJ and Will.

"We have been very busy! RJ and I feel bad that we haven't been calling you guys." Will says as he looks at RJ.

"Will and I have something to tell you guys! You all need to close your eyes!" RJ says. Ricardo and Ryan cover their eyes while Martha is skeptic.

"This isn't a prank, right?" Martha asks before covering her eyes. "This isn't! I promise!" Will says with a grin.

RJ grabs the same picture they showed Karen and Hank. The other picture has the same thing but it says "Hi Uncle Ryan! I can't wait to meet you!"

"Okay, are you ready?" Will asks his in-laws. "Yes!" Martha, Ricardo and Ryan say in unison.

"Okay! Open your eyes!" RJ says as Martha, Ricardo and Ryan uncover their eyes. Martha screams in excitement as Ryan and Ricardo it takes a minute to realize what it is.

"I knew something was up with you two! Because you usually call me a lot and you haven't! Congrats! I'm excited to be an uncle!" Ryan says.

"Thank you, Uncle Ryan!" Will says with a giggle. "He is so cute! I am so excited!" Martha says and Ricardo laughs at her.

"I am so happy for you guys!" Ricardo says. "Thank you!" Will and RJ say in unison.

"Can we pick what name we want to be called?" Ricardo asks RJ and Will.

"You can use any name you want! Will's parents have taken Nana and Pop unless you wanna fight them!" RJ says with a chuckle.

"Can I be called Mima?" Martha asks Will and RJ. "Of course!" Will says with a grin.

"I want to be called Pipo! It's a word that Cubans used for grandpa." Ricardo says.

"That's perfect! We will show him pictures of all of you when he comes home." RJ says. "What's his name?" Martha asks RJ and Will in excitement.

"His name is Benjamin! But his nickname is Benji. He is gonna three soon." Will says proudly. "When is he coming home!" Martha asks happily.

"In two days. Once we finish the final paperwork and have him home we will let you know so you can post stuff about him. You and Karen can't wait." RJ says with a giggle.

After a few minutes, RJ and Will end the call with RJ's family. Will called his Grandma Janice and told her and his cousin Mallory the big news as well!

Grandma Janice is excited to be a great grandma! Will and RJ can't wait to bring their baby boy home in a few days! :)

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