"No, no, I have it all planned. Don't worry about it and don't tell anyone."

I knocked on the door and walked in. He noticed me right away and started to act secretive again. 

"Hey, Eddy, I'll have to call you back. No big deal fam." He hung up.

I looked suspiciously at him. 

"Okay, you caught me. Kayla's gonna be at the house, she's there with her fiance."

"Oooo fiance, fancy." 

He nodded, "you're telling me."

We got our stuff and called a cab. Not about to leave our cars in an airport parking lot. We arrived at the airport and walked in with our tickets, ready to board. We met up with Chloe and Lewis. And flying first class. 

Chloe was wearing a pink eyelet lace up short sleeve shirt with distressed boyfriend jeans, light pink floral sneakers and pink and gold flower earrings. Haynes' and Lewis' outfit was pretty much identical. Except Lewis was wearing a grey t-shirt and Haynes was wearing a white t-shirt covered by an opened button down dark blue shirt with a lobster print all over it. It was cute and gave off a hipster vibes. 

We boarded the plane and was off. Only a few hours later and we landed in Portland. I've never been here, so I'm excited to be here with Haynes. He was telling me on the plane that him and his family use to always come down here for vacation. Back when they closer. Which kind of breaks my heart. He doesn't talk much about his mom, but I can tell he really loved her and misses her. So, I guess back when they were closer meant when his mom was alive. I really wish I could know more about her, but I guess I should learn more about mine first. 

We stopped at house and was greeted by a seemingly much happier Kayla. She was still wearing an expensive off the shoulders navy blue and dark pink dress with expensive black heels. Her fiance was very attractive. Latino with shirt styled black hair and dark memorizing brown eyes. He had a 5'oclock shadow and was pulling it off. He was wearing a white button shirt with the first few buttons unbuttoned and tucked into his black slacks accompanied by his black dress shoes and fancy gold watch. He's like an actual Calvin Klein model. 

"This is my fiance Antonio, he's a business guy." She said so casually. She wasn't even bragging and her brand seems like bragging. I mean was bragging, from when I met her. 

"We actually met here. I was helping a small business and she was there shopping. Love at first sight I would say," Antonio smiled, "how about you guys?"

He was asking all of us. Chloe went first, talking about how Lewis and her have been high school sweet hearts. But how do I even tell our story? He went to the same club, got super drunk and hooked up. We barely even remember what happened. 

"Eliza and I met at a club. I would say we hit it off, but I think it was only suppose to be a one night stand. However she ended up in the ER and guess who her doctor was." Haynes had his thumbs pointed at himself. 

"So, you're a doctor?" Antonio smiled.

He nodded, "and Eliza is a music producer, Chloe is a fashion blogger and Lewis is a kindergarten teacher." 

"Woah! Those are all awesome!" He was very excited. 

"Well, we're going to put our bags in our room and then we're heading out to the winery. You 2 are welcomed to join us." 

Kayla gave Haynes a sly look, like they were sharing a secret, "Antonio and I would love too, but we made plans of our own. And we'll take your bags, wouldn't want to keep you waiting."

They took our bags and we left. It was nice to walk up to the winery. A beautiful day in Portland, everyone seemed so much more happier here than in LA. It was son ice just to walk. With my arm wrapped around Haynes' arm and both of us occasionally smiling at each other. 

I've never actually been to a winery. If you haven't noticed throughout the chapters of my life, I'm not exactly winery material. Clubs and one night stands. That was my life. I have never been rich. Then of course I had to have a stupid one night stand with this guy and I turned into the winery type. Which I'm not complaining about, luxury is nice, but how I feel towards Haynes is even better. I guess you could my luxury is being with Haynes. Do I miss my past? Not really. I'm happy to have moved on and matured... In sense. 

We arrived at the winery. It was absolutely breath taking. The vineyards were fully bloomed and the building was just so lovely. It looked expensive, but apparently Haynes already booked everything. I just don't want him to spend so much. But I guess we do come from 2 different worlds. He never really had to work for his money, always rich. I, on the other hand, would go as low as stealing. 

We talked in and the host took us to a private room, which looked 10 times more expensive than this entire building. My guilt in setting in. I feel as if I just stole an entire building and I'm about to steal their wine. Like I said, I'm happy that I moved on and matured. I'm going to skip through the boring part of tasting wine and talking like fancy poodles. I'm skipping right up to the good part. A walk through the rose garden. 

"So, have you ever seen the Princess Diaries?" I asked Haynes as we were walking.

Chloe and Lewis not too far behind us... I mean if they stop taking selfies.

He nodded, "I have twin sisters, who were obsessed with being princesses, of course I have."

"Amber wanted to be a princess? And I feel like I'm in that movie right now. You think I could be pretty enough to be Anne Hathaway?" 

"First, if you ever tell Amber I told you that, I would be died and second, I believe you're way prettier than what's her face."

"You treat me like a princess."

"I treat you like a queen."

I smiled and he smiled back.

"I want to be your king."

"You are my king." 

"But I want your king forever and ever and ever. Until we're dead."

"Well, death will be soon, cause I'm totally telling Amber."

"Eliza, I'm seriously. I love you so much and I never believed in love at first sight, but god damn it, you proved it to be a real thing. You're my princess, queen, perfect specimen."

Lewis and Chloe stopped taking selfies and grew closer to us. Lewis with his phone out, pretty sure he's recording this. And I have no idea what's happening. 

Haynes pulled something out of his pocket and got down on one knee, here it comes, "Eliza Kelman, will you make me the happiest human being on this planet and marry me?" 

Stay with Me #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now