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Haynes' POV

I'm driving back to my place to get ready for the dinner tonight. I know I seemed kind of harsh about Eliza coming here with me, but I have good reasons. Reasons, I would rather not discuss. It seems too serious right now. And I think everyone could agree that I'm not a serious person. Hopefully she won't ask me when we're having that dating talk. I'm just excited for wine tonight. I got to the front of my apartment, parked my car and went up to my door. I took a deep breathe and unlocked it. I've been avoiding this place for a long time. It feels weird to go back. In order to get to my room, I have to walk through the living room, one of the places I don't want to visit. I closed my eyes and took a few minutes before I walked into the living room. When I walked in, immediate shock came to me. I remembered everything from that night and started to panic. I quickly went to my room, grabbed as much stuff as I could, put them into several bags, took the bags and left. When I got into my car and started to calm myself down and began to cry. Every time I walk into that damn place I get a horrible panic attack. I can't do it anymore. I guess I'll have to get changed at Eliza's and maybe ask to move in. I know I said I wanted to take it slow, but I just can't take it anymore. I've been staying in motels just avoid my own place. Nothing can change the feelings I have towards that place. 

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter! Next chapter will be back at Eliza's POV. Hopefully this chapter kept you interested and will keep you reading to find out Haynes' secret! Thanks for reading! 

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