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Eliza's POV

I finally picked my outfit, only to realize that it took me a good hour. Which means, Haynes is going to be here soon and he's going to be ready and I'm going to look like trash trying to be fancy. I quickly put on my red and black lace dress, black heels with a little strap, dark red lipstick, a drag ear cuff, black triangle necklace and my hair was in a messy yet elegant bun. I also put on pink panties for later. I actually put myself together in a hurry, but still looking great. I heard a knock at my door and answered it. Only to see Haynes with several bags, wearing the same outfit that he was earlier and a panicked face. I am so confused. I have no idea what to think. 

"Rats. Yeah, they're in my apartment complex and I have a huge fear of them." He replied, noticing my shocked look. 

I slowly nodded and didn't really have an answer for it. I'm assuming he wants to stay here for a bit, which I'm fine with. But he's not sleeping on my couch again, that thing is not comfy. So, I helped him with his bags and put them into the guest room. I get it if he doesn't want to sleep in the same bed together, but I didn't wear these panties for nothing. So, yeah, tonight he better be frisky. I do however like how we don't have to talk about him staying here for a bit. Awe, we're a cute couple thing. Damn, we still need to talk about that. Haynes went into the guest room and got changed. When he was done, we walked into the living where I gave him a glass of wine, only a little, we are going out to dinner after all. He was wearing black pants, black dress shoes, a grey button down dress shirt with a white collar, that watch that he's always wearing and a guitar pick necklace. 



"We're totally dating, right?" He asked.

I nodded, "What does this mean?"

He shrugged, "We go on dates, stay in watch movies, talk, show everyone we're the best couple alive." 

I smiled a little and then remembered how he left earlier. I honestly didn't want to bring it up, but it's going to bother me if I don't, "You seemed kind of weird when I said that I wanted to go back to your apartment." 

"Yeah, sorry, I previously heard about the rat thing and just wanted to be safe." He's definitely hiding something. 

Should I keep pushing him or let it go for another time? I think I'm going to let it go. Plus we have to leave for that dinner if we want to make it in time. We got into his car and he put the restaurant in his GPS. I noticed it was already in there and so did he. He seemed to have forgot about it.  

"What's the day?"

I feel like that's a weird way to ask that questioned, "Sunday."



"9 out of 10, my dad is probably going to be there." He added, "Big business man."

"I could cancel." I offered.

He shook his head, "Hell no. You shouldn't waste a super hot outfit just because of my daddy issues."

We both laughed. 

"I always had a thing for guys with daddy issues." I winked and we continued to laugh. 

We laughed and made super jokes until we got to the restaurant. My dad and this beautiful women with long brown hair and bright blue eyes,  wearing a black cocktail dress, white blazer, black heels, a gold necklace and white blazer were waiting for us in the front. Haynes and I walked up to them. 

"Hi! I'm Bella, I'm so excited to meet you, your dad has told me so much about you!" She was very cheerful. She hugged me and I hugged back. 

"Great to meet you too." I smiled processing what had just happened. 

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