"Damn, now I'm curious," he hummed softly.

"Then ask," I rolled my eyes.

Alaric didn't move for a second before he shrugged, "hey Miss Smith," he called to Mercy, our junior gym and weapons teacher from two years ago, "how do you know each other?"

"Hmm?" Mercy tilted her head, "Purple was a new Nightwalker when I was still human and working at Lady Aviva's estate, she convinced, ah, it's because of her I was able to be changed."

"And she saved my life from some Hunters when they had captured my coven. I decided to stay because of her interesting ability to use pure mana. That was about a thousand or so years ago," Ash included.

"Oh wow you guys are old," Alaric commented making Silver and I gasp while Vaughn cackled to the side at his words.

"Dude! The hell?!" Silver gapped, "you don't fucking say that to someone, dumbass."

Mercy and Ash laughed as Silver hit Alaric again for being rude, but Vaden stayed silent. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but there was the slightest from on her face and I could see the age in her eyes. She looked incredibly tired all of the sudden.

"Anyway, we'll go with you to see the king," Mercy's grin faulted lightly when she looked at Vaden but didn't address it.

"Okay," Vaden agreed taking a slow, deep breath and turning to lead the way to the throne room. I didn't miss the worried look Mercy and Ash exchanged before we followed along.

The fairy kings throne room is just as stunning as I last time I visited last year. The tree that made up the throne sat in the middle of the room covered in moss and flowers. Soft, green grass made up the floor while in the areas where people wouldn't stand stunning flowers of all shapes, colours and vibrancy littered the ground in stunning displays.

The old king himself was attending a patch of golden flowers and I was sad to see that he was looking even older than last time I saw him before he left for his holiday. His long blue hair has dulled and a visible hunch, curved his back where his wings drooped from alongside his robes that swamped his ever thinning form.

"Grandpa," I greeted happily, trying to hide the sadness I felt at the sight of his frail form.

"Ah, my dear angel, what a pleasant surprise," the king husked in his old, gravely voice that contradicted the bright smile which showed off how much life he still had in him.

I carefully hugged him and giggled like a child when his robes almost fully covered me as well, just like they always had since I was a child. "It's really good to see you again grandpa. How was your holiday?"

"Just what I needed my dear," he sighed happily once we parted, though he held onto my shoulder with a shaking arm. I helped him to his throne and smiled stiffly at his pained groan once he sat down. "Though I think I'm getting I bit too old to travel out of the city anymore."

"It's probably safer too my king," Silver commented, making the group known.

Everyone beside Vaughn and Vaden went down on a knee before the throne at my grandfathers attention.

"Well I'll be, if it isn't the saviour of our realm," grandpa said looking straight at Vaden immediately catching my curiosity. Saviour?

Vaden frowned deeply, "saviour? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, I should have expected you to have hardened after all these years, especially after your trip to the under realm," grandpa sighed sadly.

"No don't ignore my question," Vaden growled and stepped threateningly closer to us. I was shocked at the visible wrath that came off of her aimed right at my grandfather, though he didn't look affected in the least. Also, what trip to the under realm?

Ignoring my own questions I stood in between them and held up a hand to Vaden. Though I cared for her for some strange reason, I will not allow her to threaten my family.

"Stop right there Vaden. I thought you of all people would know how to speak to a king properly," I stayed with more bravado than I actually have.

"I know how to speak to a king, but right now I want to know why me of all people is people called a saviour," she spat at me making me flinched involuntarily.

A soft hand on my arm had me moving out of the way which I cautiously followed. "Thank you Zara but it's okay. Vaden is no threat to me," grandfather told me softly.

"Vaden, you might not like it, actually I know you're definitely not going to like it," Ash sighed once the group stood, "but, you're considered a hero in this realm."

"What!?" Vaden blew up snapping to Ash, a dangerous look on her face while the grass around her feet began to die. I could t believe it, but the sight of her suddenly terrified me.

"Vaden," Vaughn spoke softly stepping up to her side, "calm down, you'll release it if you don't control your anger."

Something in me stirred at the feeling of death Vaden was seeping out. It made me feel sick because whatever it was wanted me to attack her, and that horrified me.

But suddenly the feeling coming from her stopped, though she still looked incredibly mad. "What do you mean I'm a hero?" she hissed lowly.

"I had to tell the people something Vaden," grandpa answered with a sigh, "and I couldn't have them becoming scared of strangers that weren't from our realm. They needed to know who stopped the war. They needed a hero Vaden."

"I'm not a hero," she snapped at him, red glowing in her violet eyes scaring me even more than her anger was.

"The orcs would have complete destroyed this realm if you hadn't of stopped them," grandfather sighed. What? Was Vaden really the one we learn about in our history classes as children? Silver and Alaric gasped in astonishment along with me but that just seemed to piss Vaden off further that when black began to seep over her eyes I knew something wasn't right.

"I COULD HAVE DESTROYED THIS REALM!" she roared and a wave of intense pressure had everyone short of breath. Black fog began to bleed out of Vaden till it billowed menacingly around her feet, "I was raped and tortured to literal insanity," she hissed while her right eye went completely black while dots began to appear around it and along the curve of her cheekbone, "I nearly decimated the orc race! I played, killed and tortured who knows how many fairies! I NEARLY KILLED ATHENA!"

It was becoming painful to stay standing, the pressure grew in intensity before it just stopped. I gasped both to take in a breath and at the sight of a strange black substance growing over the right side of her face starting at her eye.

She cried out in pain falling to her knees while grabbing at the strange substance, "Vaden!" Vaughn appeared at her side as she began to shake and cry out in pain as the strange substance began to grow, "you need to calm down Vaden, fight against it! Come on Vaden stay in the present. Stay here girl, you're not in that cage anymore. He's dead, Vaden, Enrique's dead, you're safe. Calm down, come on Vaden, calm down. You're safe."

He tried to sooth her but the black stuff appeared to crawl up her arm while her shaking and pained cries intensified that Vaughn had to clutch her to him. I wanted to help so badly but I didn't understand what was happening, but whatever Vaughn was trying to do, it wasn't working.

"Stop... please..." Vaden begged and my heart broke at the sound of her voice. It was so broken.

"Damn it, it's not working. She's too angry and worked up," Vaughn panted from the physical effort it was taking him to keep Vaden still, "I'm sorry but I have to take her away."

With that, they disappeared and all was suddenly quiet, but that didn't stop the fear and pain in my heart at seeing the one my soul was connected to in so much suffering.

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