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I was determined to find Christina no matter what. I had to do it for Max, & for Christina'a safety.

Oh God. I really hoped she was okay...

Well we are at a chapel anyways.. so why not pray ayee.?

No Stop ADAM. not funny.

I sighed & walked to the loud room where everyone was going crazy about how Christina was missing.

I took a quick second and looked at my phone. Went on Twitter and saw thousands of notifications on how Christina was missing.

News spread FAST!

It's been 6 hours since Christina went missing.

I finally got my act up & went to the bank. I got about $500,000 out.

I had the rest at home.

You might think im stupid for keeping so much money at home right?

Well the thing is, I think my house is safer than a bank because banks could get robbed unlike my house. Nobody knew I had a huge safe in the basement.

I packed all the money into a black case.

I called one of my police friends and told them all about the Christina situation. He understood.

The Police Department made a plan.

There would be several undercover police officers around the park.

Once I'm about to give the money to who ever is keeping Christina, the police would come up out of no where and hand cuff them.

After After hours, the time has come..
I am so nervous you don't even know..
It's now or never.


Last time I remember getting slapped by the one and only Matt Rutler.

My EX BoyFriend....

I was shocked. I am so pissed right now. How could he do such a thing.

I woke up. Things were blurry all over again. The only thing was, now there were 3 figures around me... All Men.

I knew who every single one of them were.

One of them shocked me the most to be honest.

The 3 men standing right in front of me who just kidnapped me were.... Matt Rutler, Jordan Bratman, & My Father.

The surprising thing is that I never thought Jordan would do this. He was always so kind.. I guess I was wrong.

All I wanted now was to go home, snuggle with Adam & Max & watch DISNEY movies together.

I don't know if I might live till that day.

Matt was holding a gun to my forehead.

He spoke with a voice so low & cruel. I hated it so much.. " LISTEN TO ME U BITCH. If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will kill you. Im not afraid to pull this trigger. Follow me into the van and keep your mouth shut got it?!!"

I nodded. I tried to show that I wasn't scared but that didn't work.

Obviously they had a gun and what do I got?

That's right, NOTHING.

Oh boy..

A/N: Sorry if this is short like every chapter, but hope you enjoyed it.

OUU. Did u suspect Matt, Jordan, & her father to be the kidnappers?!

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