I Love You

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Adam's POV:

Christina and I shared 3 bottles of wine before we went to sleep.

We got really tired and dizzy .

Christina's POV:

When I woke up I found myself next to Adam in bed and I was naked.

I was a little frightened and tired still.

I tapped Adam to wake him up. Surprisingly, he woke up.

"Hey Adam.. What happened last night? I don't remember anything."

"Me either.. I don't remember anything.. "

"Did we do it?"

"Well look at us.. We are you know.."

"Well I have to go Addie.."

"NOO please don't leave me!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I haven't told you this .. But I like you. No. I love you! You were my love at first sight! I really want to be with you Christy. Please be with me. I never cared for anyone as much as I cared for you.."

The was silence for a moment.

I broke the silent.

"Look Addie. I Love You too but.."

Adam cut me off.


He stopped talking and carried me up and spin me around in circles!

I yelled ," STAPH ADDIEE!!"

He obeyed me for once and put me down. He was smiling like an idiot but it was cute.

"I'm sorry Adam. But I can't be with you.. I have a boyfriend."

Adam's smile was now not a smile anymore.

A/N: Sorry this is so short! Like REALLY SHORT! haha. I did not have time to make it long.. Haha I love AdamTina <3 Should Christina be with Adam or her current Boyfriend?

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