Chapter 19

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Previously on Chris Motionless is my dad

"So why did you call us over here?" My brother asks.

"Me and vinny need to tell you guys something." I say grabbing his hand. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. I take a deep breath.

"Okay what is it?" Ricky looks at me like he knows what is about to come out.

"I-I I'm pregnant." I look to see the girls smiling, but the guys looking shocked and my dad and Chris looking pissed. Oh god this isn't going to end well.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now legacy?" My dad yells walking up to me.

I flinch away and take a step back.

"Legacy your only 18 years old. You are not capable of taking care of a kid." My dad walks closer to me and then i feel a sting on my cheek.

Vinnys pov

Legacy just told everyone that she's pregnant but Chris(MIW) is not taking it well.

"Legacy your only 18 years old. You are not capable of taking care of a kid." He yells getting closer to her. Next thing i know i see Chris(MIW) raising his hand and slap legacy.

Next thing you know Chris(MIW) is on the floor with Ryan punching him in his face. I go to legacy and there is a hand print on her face and blood dripping from her lip.

Chris(Attila) picks her up with the girls following him and takes her up stairs.

By now Ryan's fist are bloody and Ricky and Balz are trying to hold him back so he doesn't kill Chris while Ghost, Fronz and Kalan held Chris back.

Chris(MIW) pov

Legacy had told us that she was pregnant i was yelling at her when i slap her. I don't know why i did. I just did. Ryan had tackled me to the floor and started punching me. I see Balz and Ricky grab Ryan and pull him off of me, i get up and try to go toward him but I'm getting held back by Ghost, Fronz and Kalan.

"Dude what the fuck. You never lay your hands on a girl ever. Especially your daughter. Your lucky i don't fucking rip your head off right now." Ryan screams at me trying to get free. He's right i just give up on trying to get out of the guys grip cause i know they are not going to let me go. I fall to the floor crying. I may have just lost my daughter just cause i couldn't accept the fact that she is pregnant.


Legacy's pov

I was upstairs with ryan-ashley in the restroom. She was cleaning up the blood from my lip. I was crying still. I couldn't believe that my dad hit me that is something i can never forgive him for.

"Sweetie are you okay?" 

"Yea just still a little shocked." She nods her head and gets up.

"Well i cleaned up the blood but you are going to have a bruise on you cheek." I get up and hug her she hugs me back.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. I know its bad timing but congrats i know your going to make a great mother." She say smiling.

"I hope i am."

"Trust me if you're able to deal with all the guys you surely can take care of a baby. I believe in you. Plus you have me and the girls." I nod my head smiling.

"Your brother is waiting for you in your room. He really wants to talk to you."

I nod my head and go to my room to see my brother sitting on my bed with his head in his hands.

"Chris are you okay?" I ask walking toward him.

"I should be asking you that." He chuckles.

"Ill be fine. Ryan-Ashley said I'm going to have a bruise on my cheek. But ill be fine."

He comes up and hugs me and i break down again. He rubs my back.

"Shh calm down. Stress isn't good for the baby." He's right. I take deep breathes calming myself down.

"Lee how are you going go take care of the baby?"

"When mom died she left me money i still have it in a account."

"What about vinny?"

"He wants to raise the baby also."

"Well good. If he left you i would have killed him."

I smile and put my head on his chest. I feel myself zoning out when i hear a knock at the door. I look to see Ryan and Vinny. I see Ryan's knuckles all bloody.

"Ryan what the fuck happened to your knuckles?" I ask carefully grabbing his hands.

"I kinda beat the shit out of your dad." He chuckles.

"Well let me clean up the blood." I say taking him to the restroom.

I clean up the blood and wrap his  knuckles.

"Are you ok?" Ryan asks

"Yea ill be fine." I say smiling lightly.

He nods his head and gives me a hug. I go to my room and see that only vinny is in my room. I guess Chris left or something.

I go up to vinny and hug him.

"How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I'm just really tired and hungry. I haven't ate all day."

"Put on some shoes we're going to get something to eat." There  was no point in arguing with him he was going to bug me until I finally agreed.

I put on my shoes and grab my phone. I was really dreading going downstairs knowing my dad was down there.

"Hey it's going to be ok. Just try and ignore him." I nod my head and we walk downstairs with our hands intertwined.

I see the guys, besides ryan, and my dad sitting on the couch. The guys were talking quietly amongst theirselves, and my dad was just sitting there looking at the ceiling until he heard the steps creek that's when he saw me and vinny.

"Legacy can I talk to you please?" My dad begs with tears forming in his eyes.

I shake my head and walk out the door. He hit me and that is something I can not forgive so easily.

Me and vinny get to the car and get in.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Uhh I don't know. How about Chick-fil-a?" He nods his head and pulls out of the driveway.

I turn to look out the window. I start thinking about all the problems I have caused already. Maybe everyone would be better off without me. Maybe I should just leave without telling the no one. I mean I have the money to get a small apartment for me and the baby.

I think that's what I'm going to do. Tomorrow when the guys leave for the studio I'm packing all my stuff and I'm leaving. I don't want to cause anymore problems.


Well I hope you guys like this chapter. I'm trying to update as much as I can.

Let me know what you all think about this chapter.

Love you guys.

Chris Motionless is my dad. Where stories live. Discover now