The Sunken Resiam

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That joke chapter was quite PUNishing eh? ;)

In all seriousness, though I want to apologize if my content seems a bit lazy as of late. I don't have as much time to work on this story as I did before. It's not because of school work (for once) and it's not because I've gotten lazy. I've recently dedicated large chunks of my day planning for a comic! I've literally been planning and refining my current skills since the start of this year for this project. This is the longest I've ever dedicated my time and efforts into an original story, and I plan on seeing this project to the very end. 

This doesn't mean I'll be dropping this story! The only difference now is that chapters will be published slower to compensate for my lack of time and to hopefully provide better content. I'll still edit Yin Yang whenever I get the time and eventually, I'll start refining the chapters to this story. 

Thank you, everyone, for sticking with this story for so long and I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

"...So excellent a king, that was to this Hyperion to a satyr..." Hamlet (1.2.139-140)

Exploring Hamel's waters felt surreal, the mermaid's spell allowed us to breathe as if the water was an alternative to air but we still had to manoeuvre through the means of swimming. We could still feel the water resisting our every move. For the first minute we awed at the diverse marine life buzzing around us, it felt like we stepped into a completely different universe. Amos had the most fun out of all of us, chasing fish and poking at colourful plants regardless of Eve and Raven's disapproval of his actions.

I wish I could've uncoiled myself from my worries and uncertainty like Amos. If I wasn't so anxious about underwater demons or the possibility of losing another friend I would've enjoyed the new scenery for a much longer period of time.

"Be on your guard," Laguz warned as we proceeded deeper into water's depth. "We have encountered several demons around these areas."

"Amos, stay close to me," Raven ordered. When the young Ponggo continued to act aloof Raven repeated himself, this time with more authority.

"I'm just trying to have some fun," Amos whined, reluctantly returning to his caregiver's side.

"This isn't a place to have fun," Raven chided sternly. "You could get killed if you're not careful."

"You overreact too much," he muttered.

"It's for your own good."

Amos huffed in frustration and turned his head away from Raven.

I was tempted to remind Amos about his near-death experience with the shadow stinger, though I decided it'd be best not to irritate him any further.

"My Lord, when we locate Sasha will you return to the castle?" Laguz asked Chung, slowing down her swimming pace to be beside him.

"Maybe," Chung replied flatly. "I haven't thought of going home for a while."

"Please put some consideration into it," Laguz persisted, her voice filled with worry. "I feel your return will give our people hope again. Besides, Daisy and Rod would be most excited to see you alive and well."

"Rod happy about seeing me again?" Chung snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it."

"I think you underestimate our King's love for you," Chung's jawline tightened at her remark. "Oh, how joyous he will be when he sees you walking in the castle! I can already imagine the party dedicated to your return."

"You're being ridiculous, Laguz," Chung chuckled dryly. "You and I both know how selfish my uncle is. He wouldn't throw me a party even if I brought home a wife."

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