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I slowly opened my eyes and felt the sharp pangs of the ache in my limbs. I saw nothing, or rather all I saw was darkness.

Oh God, I must have died but this doesn’t seem like heaven

What if you didn’t make heaven? A small voice whispered to me.

‘Oh shut up’ I shouted out loud.

As if on cue, the lights came up, white bright light emanating the room. I tried to raise my hands but it was stuck. It was then I realized my hands and feet were tied to a chair. My mouth was also covered with a sort of tape so all I could make were muffled sounds.

I was pretty sure Belgium looked like nothing of this sort. In fact I was pretty sure Belgium was not as smelly as this room.

The room was pretty much empty and the chair I was tied was placed in the middle of the room with the biggest white light now shining directly above my head. My eyes were still weak. I shook slightly trying to find a little bit of comfort.

I wondered how long I had been unconscious. Last thing I remembered, I was on a plane to Belgium but something was amiss. What was it? I tried to crack my brain but it was pretty obvious my brain was still booting after the long hibernation it had just undergone.

In the middle of my half-awake- half subconscious state, I noticed a shape approaching. I thought it was just a mirage, so I just drooped my head.

This is all a dream, I told myself. I was in Brookstone. I never went on that tour, Ana was still in love with me. I wasn’t trapped in a dark pit somewhere in somewhere or… whatever. There wasn’t any shadow shape approaching.

I looked up and the shape was even much closer. I started sweating and my palms became sweaty. I did something I had never done before. I prayed.

I opened my eyes and the shape was now clearer and had the figure of a woman, a beautiful woman.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all, I thought to myself.

The woman got closer and I realized she was probably old enough to be my mother.

Maybe this was really bad after all I thought, fear slowly dripping into my inner core now.
The woman was now fully visible, her blond hair visible, her slight bluish eyes looking mythically as she stared at me. Her eyes held this form of adoration and marvel as she took me in.

She approached me and smiled sadly.
She snapped her fingers and a man that reminded me of the Nephilim in the bible came forward and started walking towards me. I was pretty the fear in my eyes was quite visible now as I struggled to get away as the man inched ever closer.

I smelled his strong cologne as he towered over me. I closed my eyes tightly expecting some form of violence, maybe my head to fall to the ground detached from my body but instead I felt a different kind of pain as the tape was ripped from my mouth.

‘Owwww!’ I shouted as I felt the tape been ripped from my mouth taking along with it my mustache. The worst part was I could rub the spot because my hands were still tied behind my back.

She smiled at me, her face lighting up. I was drawn to this woman even though she was probably responsible for the situation I was in. she was in deep discussion with the man as they seem to be arguing about something.

I opened my mouth but the words just remained stuck on my throat. The woman was now getting more agitated and was shouting in some foreign language I could make out to be Italian.

‘Where am I?’ I finally blurt out. The woman turned sharply and walked up to me looking me straight in the eyes smiling sheepishly.

‘Abuja, Nigeria. Try to stay still, you just came out of a long journey’ she said trying to touch my face.

I shifted before her fingers could connect with my cheeks and looked at her in horror.

‘Who are you?’ I asked, my voice laced with suspicion. She looked at me with tears threatening to fall. She reminded me so much of Ana although I had no idea why.

‘My name is Stella, Stella Rossi’

‘Okay? Is that supposed to mean something to me?’

‘Yes, because I am your mother Marshal’

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